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RE: Triggering the Troops
Can you comment without resorting to pathetic fallacies?
I have been critical of government since I started here. You're just mad because you think government enforcers should be exempt from criticism.
I also disagree with our leaders in many ways, yet I do not look to overthrow our form of government no matter how imperfect it may be.
Not only a military Veteran, but I am also an activist. I take exception to you attacking the men and women who have served honorably in our Nations. I am not a Nationalist, but consider myself a Patriot. I defend the Constitution and the rule of law.
Your attacking honorable people who have served their Nations makes me want to puke.
If you defend the Constitution, what is your response when the government routinely violates the very rules designed to restrain it? "Rule of law" protected slavery, Jim Crow, prohibition, and innumerable other injustices. What is your standard to weigh legality?
If you are indeed honorable, you will recognize that I have struggled with these questions before arriving at my current conclusions instead of dismissing me as a cranky troll.
So, you will follow illegal orders?
Bold of you to state your criminality so openly.
If I am a criminal for defending the rule of law and my Nation's Constitution, then so be it. Plus, you are twisting what I said.
I never said that I would follow illegal orders. I said I will never look to overthrow our Constitutional form of government.
You don't read well do you? I do. I believe you stated that you are a Veteran. Thank you for your service.
My anger with this whole post is the attacking of Veterans and Military Members, not this person's dissatisfaction with current and past policies of Administrations and Legislature within our Country.
That is how we keep democracy. Not by mob rule, not by anarchy, not by apathy. Free speech I am all for, just remember that there will be reactions to what one says.
Ask my fellow Vets. I know that better then anyone. If you don't like what I have to say and call me a criminal because of it, that is fine. I will respond by calling you an ass-hat because I like that word.
Slavery was "rule of law" once. So were Jim Crow and prohibition. Appeal to legality is not an argument. Liberty is my preferred standard. If you prefer legality over liberty, you only support my contention that the military sees itself as a superuor caste and stands as an enemy to liberty.
What rule of law?
The one that let hitlary destroy evidence but jailed a selfie taker?
Following orders from criminals is no virtue.
I'm glad i got out when i did.
Number one I care nothing of Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, or a great many folks that have held positions of power. I currently do not wear the uniform, though technically I am still technically affiliated with the military as I am a member of the Individual Ready Reserve.
If you feel that attacking people for their serving is okay, well have at it. You have my respect for serving in the military, but you are no friend of mine.
Well, excuse me for pointing out your oath to the criminals.
I doubt we could be friends as long as blind obedience guides your choices.
I tend to chafe at having bits put in my mouth.