Selfish Thoughts and Thinking

Lieh Tzu was known for saying that he would not give even a single hair off his head to save the World. A monk once asked him why he was so selfish, whereupon Lieh Tzu replied,

"If I gave a single hair off my head to save the World, it would not last. The World would come back for the rest of my head. Am I selfish for wanting to keep my head?"

(Paraphrased from The Book of Lieh Tzu)



you've got to take good care of yourself before you can take care of anyone else. I don't agree with being completely selfish and letting the world burn, but you can't pour from an empty cup

I agree, you can't pour from an empty cup. Allow me to politicize.

Stirner criticised liberalism for demanding individuals to conform to an homogenous glob. He says Freedom then exists within that glob, as gifted to you from the glob. The glob is our master. Our egos, artistic expressions, and rights are suppressed by it.