Aleksa's Book Review: So You Want to Talk About Race

in #racism4 years ago


Despite the snide and condescending tone of the book's title, I actually found it to be quite agreeable in temperament and writing style. I'm sure the book is self-censoring to an absurd degree and this is my white privilege talking, but it actually does a decent job of winning me over to the anti-racist side by a very simple sleight of hand.

The trick the book uses is "it'd be cool to be nice to people" instead of "you have inborn power and a duty to give it up". This book does not insist that only through supporting "anti-racist" government measures are you really fighting the good fight. It says that through being considerate and well-mannered, you reduce the amount of racism in the world.

And that's exactly the kind of nuanced and reasonable opinion that I had set out to excavate from these books. Unfortunately, so many of them refer to the "power" definition that sadly makes them into little more than cellular automata with the goal of black economic equity. Nobody seems to have told them that measuring prosperity by those metrics is a racist invention.