The truth about Sharia Law

in #quran7 years ago

I was never much into political correctness, and I DON'T intend to start now. Since 9/11, Islam meant nothing to me--but, being a New Yorker, I lost a relative and 2 friends in that attack. After the shock wore off, I wanted to know WHY these guys would hijack planes and fly them into buildings. So, during the last 15 years, I studied Islam and what makes them tick. What I found was that our leaders, presidents included, LIED to us about Islam. Everything I am about to write will blow your mind and is the TRUTH about Islam. Obviously, I can't put everything about this political doctrine in one session. There is so much deception making the rounds in America that the Liberals actually WANT Sharia Law instituted in cities such as Dearborn, MI, and Detroit, MI. If I'm going to start this essay, I need to tell you I served in the U.S. Army as an Army Ranger for 12 years, and don't take any B.S.--growing up in Brooklyn helped. LOL Islam, as reported by the Main Stream Media, is 1) Not a religion, and 2) is NOT peaceful. Islam was started by a lone prophet named Mohammed, who was into hanging out in caves, and using his own words, was possessed by the devil. He, and he alone started Islam, which means "submission' He was a pirate, a pedophile (he molested a 6 y/o girl named Aisha, whom he later married at the ripe old age of 9), a mass murderer, liar, and slave trader.) He is the ONLY person ever to talk to the black stone, named allah,--in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. This rock was one of 360 rocks in Mecca circa 622 AD--and all of them had different names and were worshiped by different tribes. Mohammed was hated by his own people, who jeered him and called him "insane"--which led to him and his 5 followers (after 10 years of preaching) to flee to Medina, which, at that time was named Yathrib. This story cannot be told in one writing, so I'll call this "EPISODE 1" But, I tell you, this true story of the most evil man EVER to walk the Earth will blow your mind, as it blew mine. Since the 7th Century, Islam has claimed over 750 MILLION lives, and countless amputations and genital mutilations. Alas, that comes later. Coming next: The early years of Mohammed and why he became a sociopathblaspemy laws.jpghamas.jpg