Has anything you done made your life better ? Powerful question

in #quotes8 years ago

I rewatched American History X recently and i have to say that this great quote hits home hard. This is for all the people that have a hard time in life right now. I have been there. Anger consumes you and it makes you miserable. I have been a miserable person for some years. I used to blame everyone for this. I know that many people do this as well. This vicious cycle blinds you and you don't know what to think anymore. 

Like they say in the movie. Blame society, blame even God. You can't get no answers because you are asking the wrong questions. The real question is this: Has anything you done made your life better ? 

Especially recently. If you have to think and you don't answer this question immediately with a big yes, it's clear that the answer is no. Now that you see things clearer, what are you going to do from now on to improve your life ?