Why QUOTES are so Great!

in #quotes7 years ago

The thing I love so much about quotes is that they say so much in so few words. Those few words in a quote can change your life if you internalise the message of the quote and repeat and remember it, you can even get more from a great quote than you do from several books.

If we take this quote "If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change" in the picture to demonstrate how much knowledge quotes manage to convey in such a compact format, there are multiple ways of interpreting this quote and many pieces of wisdom that lie hidden within the words. I'm going to give you three short explanations and examples, there are probably more but I wanted to make this a reasonably short post.

  1. To start with, the attitude you choose to have towards "something" changes the actual end result.
    EXAMPLE: I want to get fit, in this instance "Getting fit" is the something. So depending on the attitude I have towards getting fit it changes the result of how fit I become. If I have a positive attitude it will go much better then if I start training with a negative one. This is probably obvious to most of you but a lot of people forget how much power they have when using their brain.

  2. Secondly we have the literal way of interpreting it. If we change the angle from which we look at an object it looks different from different perspectives.
    EXAMPLE: images.jpeg

  3. The third way I saw this quote was, if I change my beliefs I get a different reality.
    EXAMPLE: If I have a belief that girls are mean, my reality will be that girls are mean since I will try and reinforce that belief. But if I change my belief from that girls are mean to that girls are amazing human beings that sometimes have bad days like everyone else, then I will have a different reality when it comes to girls, that is if I actually changed my belief.

I am going to be posting INSPIRING quotes and my interpretation of them daily here on Steemit, some will be well known famous quotes but I'll be posting a few of my own as well! So stayed tuned and Re-Steem if you think others will like this new content!!
