Socrates was right...

in #quotes7 years ago

"I cannot teach anyone anything. I can only make them think."

This quote by Socrates is my mantra for how I look to explain things like the #circulareconomy and #blockchain tech combined with #cryptocurrencies.

If people only know what and how to do something, the intended notion never gets to be a full circle process in my opinion because the "why" is not answered. People get bored with just doing the same old thing with no explanation.

#Recycling is a perfect example since there are people that do not know why it indeed is so essential. They need to act consistently everywhere they go and ensure they do not waste products.

We need to make people think about how a better economy can be a result of keeping consumer goods in circulation as long as possible and valuing repair and refurbishment of goods. People need to know why we need to reclaim and reprocess materials as the act provides local and regional job and end market economics that is circular in nature instead of linear and wasteful.