Today's Motivational Quote: Monday April 9, 2018
Today's quote just makes sense!
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"We Become What We Think About"
Earl Nightingale
I don't think that I can argue with this one.
We really do need to think about what we're thinking about!
Thanks for stopping by. Now let's get busy succeeding!
I'm not sure Earl Nightingale would have written this quote if he'd lived inside my head @goodvibrations. My thoughts are so all over the place, depending upon my mood, I would be changing what I am hour by hour! 😂
Are you one of the weird and wonderful ones? :)
Ha, ha, ha. Weird to a lot of people maybe @goodvibrations. Just being involved in cruptocurrency would make us weird to a lot of people I think! 😊
Wonderful? Depends who you ask. Some would say so so that's good enough for me. 😂
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thinking good then it will be good. thinking a bad meal would be bad. so it lives up to what we think. Let us always think positively for a better life.
Very motivated and inspiring point "we become what we think about"I think,
Use our minds. because only humans are given the mind by God
When we think all actions will definitely produce good
The influence of our thinking is enormous. what we think will have an effect on what we do. it is still the word we think we get. So we must stay positive thinking
True, if we foolishly think we become fools we are the reflection of what we think. For that reason thinking positive makes us act positive.
What we think then that we will do next. So God gives the human mind reason.
Thank you @goodvibrations, for those daily enriching phrases of motivation. We have to learn to think only about what we want and look forward, because our mind is the best tool to achieve what we want to achieve or be, always using positive energies
If we become what we think, then we will agree that the circumstances that arise in life, are not those that affect us but the interpretation we make of them.