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RE: Why I Quit Quora (recently rejoined) & Steem Is The Future

in #quora6 years ago

It's reassuring to read someone else that I feel like "gets it". It'll be cool to make some money when Steem takes off, but that's not the exciting part relative to where I can see this going.

When I'm looking at the biggest problems I feel like are plaguing the world I see Steem as the answer. As you said, communication is so INSANELY important for the human race. If you're at war and you have control over communication, you win, period. Now we're living in this world where the whole planet is connected, but there's these tiny minorities of people with their fingers on the levers of all information pushing it this way or that way depending on their particular agenda. People don't have a clue what's really going on and there's no solution for leveling the playing field, until now. >:)


Well said. These are very pressing times filled with amazing potential. We, as a society will need to work together in order to make this work. I believe the future of communities are online and based on blockchain. ;)