100 posts, nothing but flagging and not even once cent

in #quit8 years ago

well I think im going to quit steemit.
over 100 posts and didn't even make 0.02 steemit credits.
gota couple people that are going out of there way to flagg me tho.
I guess pictures of sunsets, makeup and the oh so common im rich and awesome that I have to tell you about it make all the money on this site. I know people that have put in serious time writing original stuff only to have it make nothing but I also watch a steemit raido do the same thing I do with news get 0.5 per song or pictures of a flower make 5k in an hour. people going around downvoting for fun is another reaons people are leaving almost as quick as they are showing up.
I do not see it as worth making posts to grow the block chain to make the whales richer if I only make one tenth of a cent for 100posts.
if my steem power was high enuff that I could upvote more then one in every 5 posts I make or be able to actually return the downvotes I am gitting for no reason I might not be thinking of quitting this site already.
I don't want to quit this site to go back to facebook and twitter but I cant really find any reason to stay.
can anyone think of one reason why I should stick around and keep putting in effort to post current underground news as it comes out?


There is a 4 post per day limit, before your rewards get lower.
Aside from that, you posted nothing but spammy copypasta, so what do you expect?

Right, you were so assholeish with your posts and posted so often that you are the *only member of this community I recognized in my 19 days of using Steemit that I didn't have a direct interaction with.

spammy copy pasta? your just going around flagging people. your a fucking troll. I have not heard of the 4 post rule and it would really make it hard for someone to be a news scorce on steemit if they are limited to 4 posts a day. was not tyring to claim anything I did was mine. I said in my introduction I was only posting vids of stuff I thought was interesting. what did I expect? not to have a troll/stalker like you that flags everything I post instantly. have fun being a flaggtroll. I will be telling everyone about my steemit experience. how its all a scam to make the whales richer off other peoples posts by building the block chain and the people making the new blocks are gitting nothing out of it. go fuck with steemit raido or something. fuker is gitting 0.5SBD per song with no text just a copyed link. no one seems to care about that. when I get the ability to flagg stuff im going to flagg allof your stuff because you wont remove the flaggin you did to me. the only reason I will be using this site now is to flag your stuff. remove the flags or I will return the favor of flagging

I'm going to go easy on you because something tells me you're not an adult yet. My advice is to make a new account and try posting some original content. Good luck.

Good idea. They write like an immature 13-year old who's out for a quick buck... with a vengeance when things don't go his/her way. That comment to you was one hell of a huge brick of text.

  1. Your grammar/punctuation could use some work.
  2. You're doing a decent job on spacing. Include more white space.
  3. From what I can tell, you're posting more often than once an hour, and your posts are a video with a sentence or two of commentary... or just straight video.
  4. You said it yourself:
    "I will be posting nothing but links to videos I like, anything!
    Not all of it will be news but most of it will be.
    If you don't like the point of view of someone in the video then tell them not me."

So, from where I'm standing, you're openly admitting that you don't own (not that I believe in IP, but this is ridiculous) the content that you're posting, you're briefly summarizing it with the intent to be dramatic about political events, and then bitching that you're not making money with other peoples' content. Am I missing something here?

Perhaps you should actually write your own shit.
Make your own videos.
And THEN bitch that people aren't looking at it.

If you're on here to make money using other people's stuff...
then use facebook. That's where you can honestly instigate conversation using other people's material.

On here it's just slimy behavior.
Why should you be rewarded for other people's effort, especially when you're spamming it?

But, you know what, maybe I should "tell them, not you."
Oh wait... this might very well be the first post where it's actually YOU whom I'd be talking to.

Your surprise is bizarre, and your mindset of "money for next to no effort" is the very cancer that people are bitching about in regards to steemit use.

Wrote an article about this.
You probably won't be too keen on it.

oh ok so you can only use this site if?
all photos and videos are of your on stuff....
music and text.....
or anything they them selfs did not create?
you must not understand how news works. everyone in the industry shares the same scorces.
I didn't say anything I posted was original.
and as effort im talking about theeffort it takes to post 100 links to news articles/videos.
my spelling and grammer had nothing to do with anything because I wasent writing anything only providing link to the video and the description the video had.
slimy behavior. lol
you go no problem with steemit music I take it? or the posts of art someone did but because it was a pphoto of the art and not the actual murla.sculpture its ok? your making money off someone eleses art. :/
I was atleast providing the link to the item I was posted, unlike leaving out the artists name on a post with 8 different murals painted by other people that is making 5k or more. this site is a scam. every post and comment adds to the block chain. so ever link I posted added value to the chain. I will no longer respon to anything, will no longer post anything. only thing I will do is repay back the flaggings I was gitting by my talker then once that is done I will be erasing the link for this site from hotbar and deleting the password. 100posts added to the block chain even if you thought it was crap. that is fact. wont happen anymore and I will be spreading my experience to everyone I know.
it is a scam to get you to add blocks to the chain to make the whales rich with posts about how rich they are while the people actually putting in effort/enegery get nothing from it

Shame. You could have tried improving your posts and attempting to grow your own followers by interacting with them and asking what people want to see.
Or hell, even just post for the sake of sharing without expecting anything in return! novel concept I know.

Unfortunately in this life things just aren't as easy as we would sometimes like them to be, you need to put in work when it looks so easy for others... but is it really that easy for other? or are they reading into what people want and giving it to them in a nicely laid out, well punctuated piece of material that is both easy and entertaining to read?

If participating on Steemit is something you enjoy then take my advice and don't give up but work harder!

I read about 1/3 of the way through.

You suck at punctuation and using white space.

Your attitude is so immature that I really don't want to interact with you beyond this comment.


Must be some strange form of sadomasochism.

"and as effort im talking about theeffort it takes to post 100 links to news articles/videos."
Facebook. And I know, so much effort to press "share" and write the ditsy.

"all photos and videos are of your on stuff....
music and text.....
or anything they them selfs did not create?"
When you get into percentages of the content that is "yours" and "others", something is wrong. I am talking about other people's stuff, and it is reference material. You write a quick tidbit that contains, almost entirely, others' material. It's shit form. Where are "you"? Pretty much nowhere.

"I was atleast providing the link to the item I was posted, unlike leaving out the artists name on a post with 8 different murals painted by other people that is making 5k or more. this site is a scam."
You can do the same on Facebook.
Facebook must be a scam since it doesn't even "pretend" to pay.

"I will no longer respon to anything, will no longer post anything."
Please. Do this.
Unless you can be on here without being an immature douchebag, leave.
I don't expect you have much fun on fb either.

Oh shit. Now you have to respond to this now don'cha?
Please keep in mind that blocks of text are a headache to read.
If you do that, you've wasted your fingers' typing, 'cause I won't read it.
Save your fingers: Don't reply.
Carpel tunnel is a bitch.

here this is a copy and paste of what I sent siren. yay u got one more block added to the chain out of me. good for u. :/

yeah u must be proud how you go around flagging people for no reason then stalk them and flagg every post they make. so productive of you. the flagging system is making a lot of people leave. you are the cancer of this site.

the whole point is to add blocks to the chain. even if its a post with one single letter on it, value is added to the chain. as you flagg people they will leave like you have done to me for posting news videos.

I, like all the others leaving will tell people about the experience that they had and the amount of new people joining dropps.

the point of steemit is to grow the block chain not post shit people like. people liking quality stuff is only as an incentive for people to write quality work.

im sure you can tell how quality has nothing to do with getting upvotes now. if it did u wouldn't see the bullshit on the trending bar like there is. they are only growing with up votes because people know that this person posts crap daily but because every post they have has made 5k+ and they have 300 followers. if you can upvote early u get paid out for it. nothing to do with quality.

but that has nothing to do with the block chain and growing it. adding blocks to the chain is = to work. that is why it equates to currency. if people aren't growing the chain, no matter how great the quality is the value of steemit currency will drop. the more people posting shit the faster it grows and the more value one SBD has.

so maby you should ask yourself if you would rather have a blockchain based site where all the perceived value drops to nothing but the content is good or would you rather have a blockchain based site where the value the currency used is rising fast with all the same good content of the other option but also adding the crap posts or people just posting links or anything and everything elese?

I hope you realize how flagging people does no good for anyone. not the prson your flagging or you. it hurts the block chain in a whole.

maby you should try posting something instead of spending your days flagging people and leaving comments about how they did this or that. I would love to see you try to do something productive. lol

I will continuing flagging everything you say till you remove my flags or I get board of flagging you then quit.

you, not anyone elese just made another person (me) quit adding to your block chain. I will be telling everyone I know about this experience , im sure a couple people will avoid this site because of that.

hope u realize you only get flagged by people you got to quit steemit. if that is a badge of honour to you then you got problems yo.

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