- How often do you read the newspaper? Which paper? Which sections?

Image source: Pixabay.nl
The quick answer is, I never read the paper at all. Never did and never will! But seeing I am also doing this BEAST challenge they will whack me over the head with a frozen tuna, a broken down keyboard and or other stuff because I need to hit 300 words per post at least! Now, so let discuss the fact that I refuse to read the paper either on and offline!
So Snekky, you don't read the paper? Please tell us why? ...And so it begins, the story of the Snek who never read a single written word in a newspaper! My dad always read the paper, every single day! He shared it with the neighbors to save costs for them all. Because the newspaper is kinda high in prize here. Or at least, I think it is! News should always come free! FREE NEWS! Kidding, I know a lot of people work hard to get all that news and go into bad places! Anyways....
I am not blind to the world around me, I know what is going on but the news makes me sad! It's not that I want to close myself down from reading it either. I see snippets online and when someone points me at a certain news fact, I will look it up for sure.
This might be funny seeing I don't read the paper but... I like to see a man read the paper! ((Shockerrrr)) Perhaps it makes them look smart! I have no clue what the link is with that in my own mind/brain, I just know that I love watching males reading newspapers! I do use newspapers btw... Oh yes. I like to draw/paint on them and mean I use them as a canvas! There is one more thing I like to do and that is trail my fingers over the black ink! Again, I have no clue why but I just love it!
Do you read the newspaper? I would like to know what you like most about it or if you use it for other things like I do! It would be really cool if you reply down below the post! I will try to reply to them all! Snekky is getting bussssyyy these days with replies!
A moment to say thank you to all of you who are replying to my posts! It really means a lot to me!
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Best wishes
Oh, I haven't read the paper in a long time! In my country paper is very expensive. Most of us read the news mostly through twitter, and other internet media. That's how we inform ourselves in Venezuela.
I like the sections of culture, arts, and the like.
Glad to read and think of your questions friend :D ;-)
I do most of my reading online these days. I have around 50 news channels book marked and check at least 10 of them daily. The only time I read a physical newspaper is when I am at the airport because they often have fancy ones I cannot find near me.
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Never it's old news by the time it gets here
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Do they still make newspapers? I didn't know they still existed hahaha. Jokes jokes jokes. I read most of my news online. No section in particular though, just whatever strikes my interest in the moment.
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I do read newspaper a lot but most of the time ,it is always sport newspaper
I do read newspapers but I prefer the sporting section because I do like sports alot especially football and tennis
I like newspapers the most, but only the advertising section
newspapers are very important, but I rarely read them
every once a week, I read a newspaper, because I don't like reading newspapers
I like newspapers, and almost every day I read newspapers and see news