Question to ask you crush

in #question6 years ago


Sometimes it's hard to come up with question to ask you crush and still sound casual. That's why I came up with this list of question hopefully it will help you strike up conversation and get to know your crush a little bit better

Everyone is different and everyone like talking about different things, so pick and choose which questions you think you and your crush will like.

A great plan of action to fine out what your crush is interested in and talk about that. Everyone like talking about their interests so a lot of these questions are for finding out what kind of things your crush is not other question are for finding interesting experience and viewpoint that you can both talk about.

Just remember that question as just conversation starters so you 'll need to carry on the conversation with losts of follow up question.
Good luck I hope you ll find this list of question to ask you crush use

What do you find hilarious but most people don't find funny?

What was the best of year of your life so


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