Alba Weinman’s Video Review + The Event & New Earth 🌍

in #qhht6 years ago (edited)

After having my own recent QHHT session, I wanted to share some of the information I had gotten and post it on here, for people who have an open mind and want to actually learn something, so I’m going to share that then I’m going to do a review of Alba Weinman’s latest video, to correct and add more to the information she was accessing.

The following is notes I've made from my recent sessions, that I think people should know, The Main Theme of the questions was The New Earth and Event, everyone keeps talking about.

There is not just Light Workers but members of a community called The Star Light Community, with Volunteers of different professions who have come here to help with the shift.

The Greys👽
The Greys are Not malevolent (causing or wanting to cause harm or evil) They don’t understand emotions on a deeper level like humans.

If you ever met one they would come across at cold and robotic, they don't even talk with emotion in their voice like humans, you can easily tell how a human is feeling by their voice, so if someone had a neutral voice it would be really hard to tell how they are feeling and without facial expressions, and of course they don't speak with their small mouths they use Telepathy, nothing like the Paul (2011) Hollywood makes you think of, but they are not Negative that's just how they are, that is the experience they choose.

The Frequency of the Planet 🎚️
We are currently at 231Hz and need to go a lot Higher, the main reason given for the Shift not happening sooner for us is because the Earth is has not recovered enough, The Ecosystem is damaged, but the Light Forces are doing the healing, The oil should never had been taken, it's the blood of the Earth and should not be used, as it's a catalyst a nutrient, to create and maintain life here.

What Will People See During the Event?
A: There will be different interpretations based on how advanced the being is, some will see a blue wave of energy through the skies, others will see white light,
Apparently everyone will feel the static electricity as their hairs on the arms stand up, which will be the signal the event is about to happen.

We are on a Positive time line right now, that can't be changed.
Higher self: "It's a done deal" "Everyone should be celebrating but they have no idea".

The End of July will be THE Energy Upgrade
Note: (( I only share what I have been told, I Do Not Guarantee these will happen, I'm not a psychic or fortuneteller, just a messenger repeating what I heard. ))

In August people will think there’s a new virus going around, but it’s a cleaning out of old energies.😲

(So the Event will Not take place at the End of July, but we will all apparently feel this Energy that will be coming in)

Though the Event Has to Happen before the End of 2018 or it would be to late. (I'll explain more next time)

Who Will be Left behind When We Shift to the New World?
Everyone will be going to the new earth there won't be a split, there won't be any Christian Rapture, that was just more Fear and Control over the public, no one gets left behind.👍

If We Are in 3rd Dimension Now, Will We All Ascend to the 4th or Higher Dimensions?
It will happen at Different parts, different times, not everything shifts at the same time, it happens in stages.
We will move to the 5th Dimension Plane as you know it.

What can we expect when we arrive?
We will see Different color skies during the days, there will be many new plants, the physical bodies will no longer be necessary.👻

Will humans on the New Earth gain abilities, super powers?
We already have these abilities, we access them through thought, creation of source.

The Mandela Effect, What should we really be calling it?
(Official name of the Phenomenon)

A: The Oriolus 🐤

On Earth are a species of birds, They are known as Passerine birds, meaning they can see a range of Wavelengths, detecting color differences that are invisible to humans eyes.

The Oriolus / Oriole French oriol "golden oriole, from Medieval Latin oryolus, from Latin aureolus "golden, originally in reference to the golden oriole (Oriolus galbula), a bird of black and yellow plumage that summers in Europe (but is uncommon in England).

You might have heard of the term “Living in the Golden age” I think this could be a symbol meaning that, the Golden bird that can detect the differences. maybe we are moving into the Golden age of mankind.

The Golden Oriolus

Interesting to note that the Oriolus sees color differences, Wavelengths, Frequencies, just as people see the differences happening with the Mandela Effect, as the consciousness of the planet rises some of us are remembering the changes, we are seeing the differences in the world, that we used to be blind to, it's our awakening, so I agree it's a good choice for a symbol for the Phenomenon some of us are experiencing.

220 Alba Weinman Video Review

As I’ve been learning more about the practitioners who do the QHHT, studying Dolores books and the way they conduct the sessions, I’ve come to see their mistakes which I will point out if they are unintentionally effecting the story being told, for example:

During the beginning of her last video, while talking about seeing an alien being and trying to get a description of the alien’s appearance.

Brian: “It’s Androgynous” (not clearly male or female)
Alba: “Let’s find out how HE knows you”

Really? great job making up the character for him.

Later on Brian explains that The Reptilians have a desire to hurt others but are not evil, so instead of finding out more, she changes the subject, where is that Dolores Curiosity? ? ? the need to question more.

There’s humans in the earth he talks about them using Telepathy, (let’s find out more, Alba = change subject.)

This is a big problem in that the practitioner dictates the flow of the conversation, what subjects to talk more about, what she finds interesting and not, the Higher self is very much a Listener than a Talker, it will not take control of the conversation, but it will tell you what the person needs to know and will lead to door ways of information,

Like the Reptilians and humans in the earth which she chose not to walk through.

Brian: “We don’t control the changes taking place on earth,” “you can’t control it.”

  • Yet all humans are unconsciously making the Changes happen through what’s become known as the Mandela Effect a.k.a. The Oriolus, so it’s not so much about control to stop it, it sounds more like about Control to direct it to the outcome they want.

34:25 This is old Information, because the agreement has already been made to leave the humans develop without interference. No off world beings should be interfering with the human project development, in fact from the fighting going on in the background with the light workers and dark forces, no one has got time for it.

36:27 the Implants are done through Contracts, she didn’t ask about that, see how his personal views are coming through in the session, as all alien things as Negative, when implants have been used to heal the body of disease, a lot of the people who get these implants where those aliens in their past life, so they are regarded as a kind of soul family when they choose to come here and experience the human form.

Yes, they have been altering the human genome to try and improve it, make it more resistant to things like viruses, but all experiments have now been stopped, well so everyone was told at the high council meeting.

40:02 Remember everyone is fighting after the humans right? These powerful humans so if we are so powerful why do we have to Meditate and clean our water just to get a signal boost??

Obviously she didn’t ask this, but there are websites who have arranged Weekly Meditations and Special Event Meditations all the time, so why are these awakened people like myself, who take part in these still not making any visual difference to the world?
Again question she didn’t ask, Sigh…I really need my own practitioner I can work with to get these answers.

40:47 ok the Earth is Not fine, during my own session we found out the Earth is in the Recovery room you might say, because that Cabal group everyone talks about have done a fantastic job at polluting the earth, stealing the oil and crystal structures from deep underground, even shipping massive amounts of resources off worlds for trade.

People still have not woken up yet to how badly we are eating and drinking plastic, and you have to laugh because even Organic things like a packet of cheese is wrapped in plastic packaging, organic broccoli covered in fresh plastic, the particles are all in our organs and tissue making people get sick and have cancer.

41:31 Interesting she didn’t ask for persimmon to speak to the higher self, or even confirm it was that part of the mind, she just assumed it was his higher self.

56:08 This is very important because it shows Alba is Awake, she has the memory of the Original saying from the movie Field of Dreams – “If you build it they will come” of course due to the reality shifting, it has now been changed to
“if you build it, he will come”.

Here's the Video I've just been talking about, now you know what to look out for.

I agree with the Meditation and drinking clean water and would recommend a Water Distiller, after putting 4 liters of plastic bottle water into one then seeing the plastic waste that had separated from it, I was shocked and will never drink from plastic bottles or the Tap water again, unless we end up like the Walking Dead and there’s no electricity for my distiller, but luckily that’s not the world we are heading to.😊

That's all for now back soon with more, hopefully.👋


Are there any questions you have that you would like to ask The Higher Self?
What would you like to Know?

(Best rated questions will be considered for the next session.)