Some people enjoy believing that The Deep State doesn't exist; that it's a 'right wing conspiracy theory'.

Sadly, it's a real thing, and it exists in most countries. In some - the UK for instance - it's widely known that the elected officials are actually the public faces for the unelected bureaucrats - the senior civil service. The media sweeps this under the carpet without directly addressing it and most people don't really understand who pulls the strings.
Sadly this has become the norm in the West. Whether the real power is held by bureaucracies, banking cartels, shadowy groups or corporate oligarchies it all amounts to the same thing.
The people have lost control of their governments...
We've lost control, but we are taking it back! Good will always win!!
Curated for #informationwar (by @truthforce)
There's a relatively new YouTube Channel called "Dr. Deep State" that I like very much; he has more than 100 videos (one has to start watching from the 1st video in order to understand better). He's a highly qualified scholar I think. I liked his videos so much that I downloaded them all to my PC, LOL! :)