Michael Trimm - Cicada 3301 & Tengri 137 References QAnon SG
Looks like Michael Trimm came out with some videos today about Cicada 3301 Qanon and Tengri137 I just had to clear up before people get crazy. If you watched my Qanon and Cicada 3301 video you know that Cicada has been referencing Q, Asking Questions, Great Awakenings and much more. The connections were deep and I was the first to point this out to anyone. Now we have Michael Trimm talking about Cicada 3301 and Qanon and the Q.mp3 that showed up back in April. It was a Piano Song that had encoded notes. Meaning the Dyads on the Piano music Held a message for the future. There was no hidden files in the song or links to anything. It was in the musical notes that needed to be decoded into Letters with a message. Currently We are not even done solving it. Then he talks about Cicada being religious and it seem that is a good statement, but then he comes back to the Audio files and say's the Tengri 137 book came out of Cicada 3301 plain incorrect.
The Tengri 137 pages he's talking about came from the Dropbox Posted by the Tengri 137 Account All the way back to Aug 2017. These files aren't from the same system of puzzles and Cicada 3301 referenced they were not connected in one of there 2017 Puzzles. It's very strange for him to make an error like this and even stranger for him to say the Tengri137 documents were from the end of the 2017 puzzle, they were created and released before 2017.
Tengri 137 Twitter
The Translations were done by myself and Adam137. I have numerous videos doing this live and it was before we even got into the Cicada 3301 puzzle for 2017. Everything and all solutions were translated.
Next, was the Error in the type of runes. The Tengri137 uses Turkic Runes from Mongolia and the Cicada 3301 puzzles use elder futhark runes germany. He says incorrectly that Turkic runes are used for stargate, it's actually elder futhark runes that are used for Asgard runes. Also because if you just look you can see that.
Asgard script
Tengri 137 script
Also, we know they aren't connected because Cicada 3301 told us so in an update in May.
We have been the recipient of numerous emails asking us if we are associated with Tengri 137, or if we have any comment to make about Tengri. Besides the fundamentally elementary stylization of mathematics and English, we have no association with Tengri, and we have no comments beyond this. - 3301
I'm not sure what the overall idea was with this set of videos but I wanted to make sure folks were aware of the correct information on these systems. It seems Mike tried to solve by is making entirely to many errors in the systems to make it good for anyone. Search on my channel for tengri137 to get the whole scoop.
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