Reddit python hot 25 on 2017-08-09

in #python8 years ago
  1. /r/Python Official Job Board
  2. What's everyone working on this week?
  3. Python 3.4.7 has been released!
  4. Tor Browser automation with Selenium.
  5. logzero - Sane and robust logging for Python 2 and 3
  6. mistletoe: a fast, extensible Markdown parser in Python
  7. Tracking inbound telephone calls using virtual numbers, Python and Flask
  8. Can someone please answer these questions I have have about dunder/data model methods.
  9. Practical guide on how to publish your package to PyPI. Theory + practice in a Linux terminal.
  10. How can I make an 2D array 1000x2?
  11. FOP,DOP,OOP and any other programming types
  12. Network / Graph analysis with a large data set?
  13. Learning python...why is there an inconsistency in error messages?
  14. Script Encoding Error?
  15. When is it ever a good idea to use multi-processing or threading?
  16. easychain -- a python exploration of blockchain ledger concepts
  17. Trying to use Python 3 with VisualStudio Code
  18. Python 3.5.4 has been released!
  19. A journey to use TeX with Matplotlib on a Windows Machine (Unfinished - Help!)
  20. What is your least favorite thing about Python?
  21. My simplified cython CLI
  22. Ethics of webscraping
  23. Learn Python Episode #12: Dictionaries
  24. What is a good Flask-based CMS that can work with a database?
  25. Any help for a beginner? :)
  26. We're no strangers to VoIP: Building the National Rick Astley Hotline
  27. Help with Openpyxl or other means of writing geocoding info to excel.

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