10 ways to discover yourself and your purpose

in #purpose7 years ago

10 ways to discover yourself and your purpose

Introduction- Who Am I? Discovering who you really are can be explored using good question skills. Once this afore mention is uncovered or unwashed there is a shift from the General to the specific as you focus more on specific career exploration and identification talents. It might interest you to ask yourself these following questions

  1. Why am I here

  2. what is my objective

  3. Where am I going to

  4. Where do I belong

  5. What is my class

  6. What is my purpose

  7. Where will I end my journey

  8. Am I achieving my stated goals

  9. How do I achieve my dreams

A short story of a young guy ( Johnson) Was born into a family of a middle class. The parents are so committed to their son and work while growing up he was given the necessary care a child should have. He Went to one of the best schools in their community. Time passes by this young fellow graduated with first class in Computer engineering. Decades pass and phases experienced, his parent were in their early 70s. Johnson discovered one day that one vital aspect of his life is not in good condition, which is ( PURPOSE). His parent were just busy showering love and affection on him. But they failed to let him know that in life we have different phases with different circumstances. They failed to let him realized that life is a teacher on its own. Johnson got to redefined his purpose as an individual when he realizes that being a computer engineer does not guarantee him of becoming a successful technocrat like (BILL GATE) MARK ZUCKERBERG. That he needs to sit down and think inward and outwards to really understand his purpose and what are the steps he needs to take and follow which will pave way for being a successful Computer expert.

The lesson here fellas to become great in your endeavors, you need to discover your purpose in Life and your aspiration will definitely come to pass.

When something has to mean, it has a purpose; it is significant. Likewise, a life that has meaning feels purposeful and significant. Feeling as though your life is meaningless can lead to depression and hopelessness. Adding meaning to life is not an exact science, but it is possible to develop a meaningful life for yourself if you are willing to put some time and consideration into the process.

  1. What have I been most passionate, committed, enthusiastic, creative, and successful?

Ways to success begins when you know what triggers your passion about your life endeavours, what do you have passion about the most, are you into modelling and within you if time is spent on it will it makes you great, do you have any activity that its when you are been forced to do it, ordinary you wouldn't have done it. You have to know that what we have passion about gives us more upper hand than what you may be compelled to do.

Are you committed? Once you know that aspect of your life needs more attention and dedication and whatever you are doing is been done perfectly. The sky is your starting point. Sometimes things or life may not give us what we really desire, but one thing is certain your creativity...In our contemporary world, most things we use are the product of someone's else creativity. Taking an example of WhatsApp, cars, building, airplane, train, clothing, electronics, gadgets and so forth. All these are the product of creativity, when you think of joining negative and positive wire and it gives you current, that is called creativity.

Discover your purpose. Feeling as though your life has a purpose, that you have an impact and you are making the most of your abilities and your time, can infuse your life with meaning. This may require you to try your hand at many different things. If photography appeals to you, borrow a camera or take a class and see how you feel. Or maybe you are interested in helping others and are good at communicating — try tutoring to see if teaching helps you.

Picture yourself in old age, reflecting on your life. What sort of life would you have liked to live? Would you feel satisfied with a life spent traveling all over the world, but not necessarily raising a family? Or would you feel proud and content if you had a big, healthy family?

Write down your strengths and talents. In what ways could you put these to use? In your job? As a volunteer or a friend?

Each night for a week, take a moment to write down events and activities that gave you energy, pleasure, and a sense of purpose, and which events and activities did not. Go over the list at the end of the week and try to think of ways to maximize the enjoyable, energizing things in your life.

You might show enthusiasm if you find out that all the shoes are on sale for 70 percent off today. The word enthusiasm indicates intense excitement. Source: https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/enthusiasm

2.What is my value proposition?

In life as soon as you know what you value the most, that will ignite the real you. Is it your health that matters most to you? Your family, your career, your belief, your fears or your past and future. This Phenomenon gives you the advantage to value what you personally know is right for you not what you feel, because sometimes we do feel the negative and positive thought. Which it may land us to an undesirable outcome. Figure out what is important to you. Everyone has different priorities; figuring out what is important to you is essential to living a life that is meaningful. Make a list of five things that are important to you, then consider whether the way you are currently living your life aligns with these things. If not, how could you change it to better incorporate the things that are important to you?

You may want to list things like family or health. Or you may list things like creativity, growth, helping others, freedom, curiosity.

If "creativity" is at the top of your list, but you work as an accountant, you may want to think about a job change, or find ways to incorporate creativity into your life (like taking a painting class, writing in your free time, acting in a community play, etc.).

Understand the importance of purposeful living. Having a sense of purpose increases the quality of life, and may even help you live longer.

Be aware that meaning is not the same as happiness. You may be happy, but not be living a meaningful life. On the other hand, living a meaningful life does not necessarily mean you will be happy. That’s not to say that being happy is not important, but instead, that you should not expect finding meaning to mean finding happiness.

Value, worth imply intrinsic excellence or desirability. Value is that quality of anything which renders it desirable or useful: the value of sunlight or good books. Worth implies especially spiritual qualities of mind and character or moral excellence: Few knew her true worth. Source: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/values

  1. What are the skills embedded in my skill queue?

Frankly speaking in our contemporary world, skills go a long way in defining who you are. It also gives birth to self-actualization about a specific area of professionalism. One way or the other we all have one or more unique skills.

Mostly we acquire skills through training, seminars, workshops, personal thought, and many other means. Valuable questions

Do you know your worth?

Do you know your skills?

Do you know how to use it productively?

Do you have plans to use your skills base on its importance?

Once you are able to stand firm and the questions above is settled, fellas you have arrived, which means you have accomplished your yearnings and aspirations.

Skill is the ability to carry out a task with pre-determined results often within a given amount of time, energy, or both. Skills can often be divided into domain-general and domain-specific skills. For example, in the domain of work, some general skills would include time management, teamwork and leadership, self-motivation and others, whereas domain-specific skills would be used only for a certain job. Skill usually requires certain environmental stimuli and situations to assess the level of skill being shown and used. SOURCE: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skill.

4.When have I been very sure of my decision making?

There is this saying ( Life is like a sword with two edges sides). We have a negative decision and positive decision. Our creator gives us the power to decide what we will do with our lives.

A short story of a young lady. Toyin, she is beautiful and hard working. Suitors were coming for her from a different angle with good intentions, but she bent not to accept any of their offers reason that she must complete her (Ph.D.).Before at least agree to settle down for marriage with one. Family and friends did not see it the way she saw it. One thing about her was she had decided for herself that I most achieve this vision before any man could settle down with her. At long run, she did achieve the stated goals. Behold fellas she got married to the one she truly loves.

The lesson from the short story, if you are pretty sure about your decisions please do go ahead. Because you need to decide for yourself and another influence follows.

More also we have indecision and prompt decision. For you to attain greatness, accomplishment and fulfilling your desires dreams. You have to bent with the decision in which you know and convinced that it would yield a positive outcome.

People often say that they find it hard to make decisions Unfortunately we all have to make decisions all the time, ranging from trivial issues like what to have for lunch, right up to life-changing decisions like where and what to study, and who to marry.

Some people put off making decisions by endlessly searching for more information or getting other people to offer their recommendations.

Others resort to decision-making by taking a vote, sticking a pin in a list or tossing a coin. Source: https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/decision-making.html


  1. When have I enjoyed work most?

Great personal evaluation moment about your day to day working endeavors. Working does not mean you should be working and nothing to show or write about. You don’t need to work, work, work and you don’t even have time for family friends and yourself. You don't need to work under pressure, stress and hostile environments. You are meant to enjoy working to the fullest. That would enhance your productivity and joyfully do what you know how to do greatly.

Most people do fail to ponder on their day to day working environments condition. That gives birth to insecurity, unsatisfied and low take home. And it has caused many challenges for many individuals. Imagine working for a company who also secure the job from another source.

( OUTSOURCING). Sometimes call contract job. Definitely One cannot enjoy the dividend of working and becoming an important personality in the society. Because you will experience the following.

Job insecurity

Low wages

Working under pressure

No proper health facilities

No promotion

Overwork without compensation

Limited leave period

No leave allowance

These aforementioned predicaments are encountered working under an outsourcing company. I’m once a victim of such. One morning one night we were asked to leave the company, that the principal company had outsourced it to another company. Could you imagine how life would look like to my colleagues and me?

I urge you all to pray and wish yourself a job that will give you rest of mind and that will make your dreams come through. Once a while kindly sit down and evaluate the work you are into and I’m pretty sure, you will know how better and successful you are. Heaven help those that help themselves

  1. When have other people considered me most successful?

The earlier people around you be it your family members, colleagues or the general public, begins to see that charisma and character in you as an upcoming successful fellow or even already attained success. That implies you have reached the level of being a successful personality. Reality speaking in our contemporary world of today we can easily get to know and hear about great men of success stories. This gives us the insight and understanding that they have work hard and got their names known to all.

Wilson Bolt. An athlete who has achieved numerous achievements by winning gold medals for 10 consecutive years. Because of this great record, no doubt nor argument about his success story attained. If you really want people around you to reckon with what you are into as your day to day work, you need to work hard and put the following into practice.





Goals oriented


Respect for all

Don’t indulge in conspicuous act

Be prospective

When you use the above in what you are doing for a living the sky is the starting point for your success.

  1. What can I consider greatest of accomplishments?

The greatest accomplishment of Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder. He did not just came up and established Facebook but he really pens down many strategies and ideas on how the app will last long with the time span. Now Facebook has over 2 billion users across the globe. And that gives him the glory of accomplishing the stated goals and vision.

A.When you have achieved your mission and aspirations.

B.When failure is not in your dictionary and reproach has vanished in all ramifications.

C. When you are able to cater to Family, friends, and self.

D. When people look up to you as their mentor.

E. When you proffer solutions to problems

F. When you serve as a positive influence in the society.

Fellas it is simple yet it’s had. Ask me why? Because the road to success is not smooth, has a lot of challenges and tribulations. But one thing is sure if you can endure and exercise patience Your Name will be heard.

It may sound silly, but taking the time to write down or at least notice things you are grateful for can help you feel like your life is more meaningful. Expressing gratitude for you have, instead of worrying about what you do not have, can help you refocus and connect with the world around you. Connecting with nature, other people, or a higher power can help bring meaning to your life.

For example, maybe you are grateful for you comfortable bed, maybe you are grateful that you don’t have to get up early in the morning, or that you have a friend you can call at any time of the day or night.

Try to practice becoming mindful of the great things you have on a regular basis. Even if it is just noticing something that makes you feel grateful for a few extra seconds each day.

Cultivating gratitude reminds us that, even when bad things happen or don't go the way we planned, there are still good things in our lives. Eliminating that feeling that you should always have more can help you see what is truly meaningful in your life.

  1. What activities have I drawn out of work?

Ask yourself this simple question ( Am I really productive). Is your personal objective is to be part of the moving train in your organization who are willing, ready and able to take the company's glory to her heights. You need to be result oriented and you need to have or poses some quality that your colleagues and the management can duly reckon with.

Basically, you need to have an impact on capacity building in your organization. What is your mission of working there and What are the visions you saw that makes you stay glue with the organization. These will further give you the idea to know what you are willing and already draw out of the company's positive growth, not a negative one.

Sometimes in an organization, the decision-making process can hamper her growth and it may not occur to the management that the decision taken is the cause of their backwardness or low productivity of her employees. Your prompt positive and intellectual contributions can reverse the case. Is never a crime for you to draw out some positive changes about your working place. Even by doing so it would give you an edge over other look worms in the organization.

When I was working with a telecommunication company, I was among the best customer care representative because we do attend to our CUSTOMERS with respect and quality service delivery cannot be overemphasized. The reason we don’t want our customers to paint our company bad.

Lesson: We all have potential that has been embedded in us by our Creator.

Some can speak wisdom words

Some can convince perfectly

Some can persuade

Some can instill peace and order

Some can settle dispute amicably

Some can act without script

Some can construct words without guidelines

Some can market product successfully

Some can proffer solutions

Some can think beyond human imaginations

  1. Do I draw out priority plans?

Generally in life with a positive purpose. An individual needs to have priority scale of preference. Priority varies ranging from different perspectives.

Some their priority is money

Some their priority is women

Some their priority is family

Some their priority is friends

Some their priority is work

Some their priority is alcohol

Some their priority is luxury life

Some their priority is heaven

Some their priority is success story

Some their priority is fame

Some their priority is becoming popular

Frankly speaking, priority has different perceptions with a different meaning.

High priority indicates When you place that subject of the matter as your number-one responsibility, that nothing can either change it nor affect it. And it would be done or treated specially.

Low priority: entail activities which may not be achieved as quickly as possible because the preferred has taken its place.

Friendly speaking you need to outline your priority on the scale of preference for your day to day life Endeavours. Without having priority, life may be in shambles. No particular direction just doing things as if playing football match without a Referee. When you plan your priority every goals and yearning will be achieved.

When do I sleep

When do I wake up

When do I eat

When do I get married

When do I buy my first car

When do I visit family and friends

When do I have my leisure moment

When do I resume to work

When do I shop

When do I start saving for the future

When do I retire from active service

When do I evaluate my purpose in Life?

When do I realizes that I have achieved my stated priorities?

Lesson: We all have a purpose so achieved this we need to sit back, relaxed and map it out. And I can tell you confidently that you would definitely attain greatness.

Figure out what is important to you. Everyone has different priorities; figuring out what is important to you is essential to living a life that is meaningful. Make a list of five things that are important to you, then consider whether the way you are currently living your life aligns with these things. If not, how could you change it to better incorporate the things that are important to you?

You may want to list things like family or health. Or you may list things like creativity, growth, helping others, freedom, curiosity.

If "creativity" is at the top of your list, but you work as an accountant, you may want to think about a job change, or find ways to incorporate creativity into your life (like taking a painting class, writing in your free time, acting in a community play, etc.).

  1. What would I be doing if money were no concern?

I presume this is a very big and hard part of life and a big question to be asked right. But money is what money does. Money is the root of all evil at the same time.

I once asked one of my friends. What will happen if money becomes less important or not having relevance in your life? Response: wow if money becomes less important to me, then I’m good as dead alive. Further said even a newborn baby needs money for his upkeep and settling hospital bills.

“What would you like to do if money were no object? How would you really enjoy spending your life?…If you say that getting the money is the most important thing, you will spend your life completely wasting your time…Better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing than a long life spent in a miserable way.” ~ Alan Watts

When I chased after money, I never had enough. When I got my life on purpose and focused on giving of myself and doing what I know will redefine my path to success. Because if you are blessed with Grace and favor in the sight of God and humanity. Money can be a less concern because it would definitely come. For money is the medium of exchange for goods and services. But I’m not saying you should get money in an ungodly and illegal means.

Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when sought after directly. It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service.

Ideologically I’m not saying we shouldn't work for money or going extra miles in making it. But we all the world of today many people tend to get it so wrong about money philosophy. A short tale of one of my colleague ( Ferdinand ). Turns money to his idol worshiping he does not take care of his outfits and he hardly eats good food. One day we were at work someone called him and the caller was conversing on money related. My dear colleague was so interested, to an extent, he didn’t pay attention to what he was doing. Without much saying . He logged out of the system and knowing fully well that he was on with a customer. He left and met with his caller, after some days we heard “Ferdinand” had been sacked for behaving rudely to his customer.

The most painful part of the story was that the mission he quickly rushed to attend to, got crashed. He was duped of his money. The lesson here Ferdinand. made money his top and driving force to an extent of dabbling into the so-called business without proper consultation or advice. He made money his utmost concern.

In conclusion: We all have a purpose in all our day to day life Endeavours. Just that frankly speaking we need to evaluate and measure your purpose in Life.

So when people say, “What should I do with my life?” or “What is my life purpose?” what they’re actually asking is: “What can I do with my time that is important?”

This is an infinitely better question to ask. It’s far more manageable and it doesn’t have all of the ridiculous baggage that the “life purpose” question does. There’s no reason for you to be contemplating the cosmic significance of your life while sitting on your couch all day eating Doritos. Rather, you should be getting your thought discovering what feels important to you.

Find a problem you care about and start solving it. Obviously, you’re not going to fix the world’s problems by yourself. But you can contribute and make a difference. And that feeling of making a difference is ultimately what’s most important for your own happiness and fulfillment. Redefine your steps go through your priority plan list. Evaluate yourself by trying to know if people are seeing you as someone who has a purpose and as someone who success is glaring all over his face.

Work is meant to be enjoyed not to be stressed and frustrated. Work in under a peaceful atmosphere this would pave the way to achieve your aspirations in life. Decision making is another key in one’s life. Nobody decides for you, because you would be held responsible for your actions.

Create meaning in your life. Meaning will not come to you without work. In order to find your purpose, you will have to put in the effort through reflection on your values and thinking about the perspective we choose to take. Don’t expect meaning to just come to you. Remove negativity. Be optimistic, and look at the brighter side. Learn how to appreciate stuff rather than saying it isn't enough. purpose increases the quality of life, and may even help you live longer. Fish Face.jpg