📌 We support the efforts for PTSD-affected individuals

in #ptsd11 days ago

📌 Vi støtter indsatsen for PTSD-ramte

Vi anerkender vigtigheden af at støtte Landsforeningen for PTSD-ramte og pårørende, der gør en stor forskel for dem, de hjælper.
Vi opfordrer også andre virksomheder til at bakke op om deres vigtige arbejde.

👉 Læs mere og støt foreningen her: https://lptsd.dk/stoet-os/

#PTSD #lptsd #Veteraner #MentalSundhed #ViStøtterVeteraner #veteraner

📌 We support the efforts for PTSD-affected individuals

We recognize the importance of supporting the National Association for PTSD-affected individuals and their families, which makes a significant difference for those they help.
We also encourage other businesses to support their important work.

👉 Learn more and support the association here: https://lptsd.dk/stoet-os/

#PTSD #lptsd #Veterans #MentalHealth #WeSupportVeterans #Veterans
