The Ultimate Psy-Op - Conspiracy Writing Contest III - Winners Announced [$175 STEEM + Bonuses]

in #psyop-contest7 years ago (edited)


My apologies, I intended to announce the winners of the contest earlier but once again real life got in the way. Some of you may have noticed that there was quite a wait for the third installment of the Conspiracy Writing Contest series, mostly for 2 main reasons.

  1. I struggled to find the proper topic and prompt. I finally settled on Psychological Operations as they have always fascinated me and my hope was that others felt the same. Judging by the number of quality submissions, I think it was the right choice.

  2. Although hosting this contest is something I always look forward to, it’s also very time consuming and as the number of submissions increases with every contest, accordingly it demands more and more of my time and attention. This is one of the reasons why I like to cap the short stories at 1500 words. Honestly, hosting a contest is not as easy as it looks sometimes, especially selecting a winner.

But, never mind all that, let’s get on with it, shall we?

Thanks Yous

First, I’d like to thank everyone who made a submission, all of you make this contest what it is. I’d also like to give a big thank you to curators big and small that supported the authors here with their upvotes and resteems.

A very special thank you to @blocktrades for generously rewarding a number of the participants with a powerful upvote completely of his own will. Mighty kind of you :)

Thank you for supporting original content.

An extra special thanks goes out to @fortified who came up with another fantastic GIF at the very last minute. Much appreciated my friend you are a Wizard. Check out his alternate account, @animate, for high quality custom made GIFs and images.

I want to also thank the Writer’s Block for their participation in this contest. There really is a growing pool of writing talent coming out of this community.

The Writer’s Block share their writing drafts and concepts with each other and teams of editors get to work on improving and rewording the creations of their fellow writers.

Please visit these fine and friendly folks on Discord, as @creatr said in his post these people really are the salt of the earth. I really, should spend more time there myself.

Here’s the link to the Writer’s Block on Discord – The Writer's Block
You can also follow their community account - @thewritersblock

Furthermore, I would like to say that seeing the mutual support between writers, feedback in the comments and the positive words of encouragement you all give each other is what community building is all about. It's just amazing to see.

From the author feedback I’ve received, multiple writers have thanked me for providing them with this creative platform and have expressed that they thoroughly enjoyed the writing process for the Psy-Op contest. I really couldn’t ask for anything more in terms of a reaction/feedback, it really put a smile on my face.

Finally, perhaps my proudest moment during this time was receiving an entry from @tremendospercy who had lost his motivation to write in recent months. And I can tell you, he did not disappoint delivering an excellent piece of writing showcasing a group of familiar elite criminals orchestrating chaos. Bravo, and welcome back!

I hope that these contests inspire more creative writing from all of you in the future.

The Winners

First Prize $50 STEEM – Postcards from Rio


RhondaK rio.png

This heart racing, tension filled entry blew me away. It’s an expertly constructed tale with an ocean of emotional depth building palm sweating tension from start to finish. The story revolves around an IT professional working at an American version of CERN whose life is turned upside down when he becomes an unwitting participant in an alternate reality that rips apart his world. @rhondak has created an amazing short story here that, I for one, was not expecting. I’ve known @rhondak for several months as she established and was a central moderator at MSP Fiction-Workshop before establishing Ihe Writer’s Block where creative and original writing thrives. @rhondak was also one of the judges for the second conspiracy writing contest Welcome to Antarctica. I’m ashamed to say, what I didn’t realize is her obvious writing talents surpass her excellent editing skills. This is a real gem and a must read. I’m grateful to have this short story as part of this contest and I believe it deserves the top honor. Splendid storytelling @rhondak!

Bonus Resteem and @v4vapid 100% upvote

That was the easy part…

1st Runner-up Prize $25 STEEM – PLAN B


planB TP.jpeg

I loved this piece right from the start. @tremendospercy makes a triumphant return to posting with this intricate and understated conspiratorial contribution. What I love about @tremendospercy’s writing is that there’s an excellent use of, what i would call, negative space and the reader fills in the blanks on their own. I absolutely love the characters and concepts in this offering. We have the puppet master ‘Jacob’ which I believe must be the infamous elite from the de Rothschild clan, the ex-president and ex-chief of the CIA George H. W. Bush dutifully executing the diabolical plans, and a man-made natural disaster that is as utterly believable as it is horrendous. It's such a pleasure to read several conspiracies rolled into one narrative at this level. The story is also laced with TP’s trademark humour and unique style. Tremendous!

Bonus resteem and @v4vapid 100% upvote

Bonus - 2nd Runners Up Prize $10 STEEM

Okay, here's where I went off-script.

There were so many excellent entries here I really couldn’t choose one over the other. So I decided to eliminate the categories of Best Line and Best Tone/Style and added several worthy submissions to the list of winners.

These four contributions are of such high quality that I had to recognize them. Each of these entries receives 10 STEEM.

@creatrPulling Strings

@gmuxxFalse Flag

@negativerConstructing the Invisible

@steemedchittyThe Truth Will Set You Free

@tarazkpThe Stream Network

Bonus - Resteem and @v4vapid 100% Upvote

Biggest Mind Fuck - $20 STEEM - The Real Stakes of Living on the West Coast

I’m awarding the biggest mind fuck to @mindhawk who’s concept of North Korean submarines positioned stealthily off the west coast of the US over the tectonic fault lines really gave me the chills. He makes a convincing case that if war was to break out, these almost imperceptible mariners would launch a devastating attack on the US west coast causing unfathomable damage.

Most Humorous -$10 STEEM (2X)

There’s two stories that had me laughing right from the start. @cizzo’s Hillbilly 3001 and @son-of-satire’s The debate. Both of these posts are funny as hell, but also very entertaining reads touching on novel concepts and memorable characters. Be sure to check them out!

Best Line

I'm putting this question to the audience, nominate your favorite line from the contest and paste it in the comments. Be sure to identify the author or piece for easy reference.

Upvote your favorite quote in the comments.

After 7 days, the comment with the highest rewards will receive the 10 STEEM!

STEEM Transfers (sorry SBD is through the roof!)

Update: Image of STEEM transfers

v4vapid — Steemit(3).png

The Participants

Thank you to all the participants, you are what makes these contests so special!

Find your favorite entries here -


There were several disqualifications I should mention. One author submitted 4 entries (make that 5 now) and not receiving a response from my comment, I was forced to disqualify all of these entries. There was also an entry that @cheetahbot identified as a plagiarized post, so of course that’s completely unacceptable.
For future contests, please read the contest Rules carefully, thank you.

I look forward to your awesome contributions in Conspiracy Writing Contest IV!

Until then, Keep an open mind and Steem on!





Here on the east coast of the U.S., it was just after two a.m. and I was getting ready for bed when this notification beeped through. I was so floored that it took me a solid half hour to respond. I just didn't know what to say. I still don't. But at least I'm semi-coherent now.

Thank you so much, @v4vapid, for hosting this. I rarely enter contests these days, but when I saw yours this round, I knew I had to jump in. You have been such a faithful supporter of the Writers' Block and of our efforts, and I've spoken to you enough to know you're a wonderful human being and a real asset to this platform.

I, too, want to give @Blocktrades a shout-out. I don't know if he sees tags, so if anyone who communicates with him sees this, please make sure he knows that the Writers' Block is deeply grateful for his efforts to support and encourage fiction on Steemit. Those Blocktrade upvotes have quite literally been the only thing that kept some of us from giving up. @Blocktrades, we plan to make you proud!

Congrats to all the other winners in this contest! There were some great stories here!!!!

Again, @v4vapid--you are a rock star. Thank you so much!

@v4vapid is more than a rock star. He is singing, he is powerful, he is a star but instead of trying to get attention for him self he is shining attention on dark and under seen places of consciousness and the world.

Something most rocks stars even are scared to do.

Instead of taking as much money as he can to live lavishly in excess he is constantly giving exposure, financial support and opportunity to the community to make everyones elves life better.

I wish the world had rock stars like @v4vapid!

Congratulations @rhondak
It was a great piece of writing that had everyone going. You should definately throw your hat into the conspiracy fiction ring more often you have a knack for it babe. ❤️

Congrats! A well deserved win, no doubt!

Yeah @Rhondak. Congrats. It was a great contest, thrilled that you took the top prize.

Wow I am way behind on so many things but after seeing this and your praise for the entries listed I am going to invest some time in checking them out as I know your standards and perspective are quite respectable.

Thanks for running an awesome contest, for providing quality imaginations a very rewarding way to be creative and get exposure and for ALL the other great contributions you make to this community.

You are greatly appreciated!


I'll have to catch the next round try to eat up some of your processing time.

Thanks you so much for the support and encouragement dude. If you ran a contest every week I'd be writing constantly, not for prizes but for the fact that your ideas are inspirational and plug in to the way my mind works, a rare thing for me.

I'm so pleased @rhondak won, not only was it a brilliant piece of writing that fulfilled all of the criteria set, it really took me by surprise.

My favourite line is the last line in @gmuxx 's offering....

'Shortly, I will lift the barrier between the rooms, and trust me, you really do want to be dead before our friend gets to you.'

Oooh, chilling!

Special thanks to @blocktrades for the support too.

Thanks again mate, I look forward to the next offering with anticipation as I do with all of your work.

Hey man, it' a ton of fun when there are so many talented writers participating! Gmuxx's piece is totally plausible, i fully agree and that line is a winner!

Thanks for nominating someone for best line. Perhaps I need to increase the font size, maybe people are missing it.

Anyways, thank you for the compliments, I think we all succeed together on this platform so I want to do what I can to lift others who are coming up behind me.

Congrats. Coming off the bench and knocking out a solid winner. Your story took us to the deep seeded and believable conspiracy - the machinations behind the scenes. Hope to see more from your pen. Well done.

Thanks for the kind words mate.

Yes! I second the favorite on that line from GMuxx. :-)

Yes, I concur on that line. Muxx is a master.

Oh I am so glad @rhondak won! Congratulations! And @TremendosPercy got runner up too! Well done dude.

Thank you @v4vapid for one of the runners up prizes, but also for speaking of The Writers' Block in such glowing terms.

Cheers buddy. I'd really liked your entry too mate. As I said possibly not far off the truth.

Major congrats to all the winners, especially @Rhondak and the several members of the Writer's Block, inluding @Gmuxx, @Negativer, and @creatr. That's four of our members taking honors in this contest. Well done, and some fantastic reads all around.

I'll be looking forward to the next edition of this contest and hope I'll have the opportunity to set aside the time to enter myself. Thanks to @v4vapid and @blocktrades for supporting quality authors on the Steemit platform.

Dear @v4vapid,

What is there to say, but Thank You again?

I am very honored.

Your contest was excellent, encouraging, stimulating, and fun to boot.

I would have picked Rhonda's entry for top place as well. She had us all going!

Kindest regards,

- @creatr



I am going go go read your entry tonight!

Thanks, friend. :D

You have a gift, I'm a big fan of your writing and your submission was awesome! Loved the layer upon layer approach, so my hats off to you!

It's really pleasing to know that people are enjoying the process so much and are (re)discovering the joy of letting their creativity flow. That's the best part for me :)

So glad to have such high quality submissions, yourself included :)

Hi friend, I would like to thank you once again for organizing the great contest. Yes I was also a participant of the great job and I came through lots of great articles from many genius writers. Thanks for the great upvote you had casted on my post, though I couldn't present the best one. I will have to participate in your next one. Wish you a very happy time friend.

Thanks for entering my contest, it's all about the writers and we can all learn from each other. There were certainly so many great entries. Hope you come back for contest 4!

I feel very honored and happy from your reply. It will be my heartest pleasure to participate in such a great contest. Thanks friend, wish you a very beautiful time ahead.

Congratulations to all the winners ..

Thank you so much @v4vapid I would say , I rarely enter contest these days , but when I saw these I know it will be a great one so I click to check and now you are making me feel there is still somewhere I need to be which have left since my existence on this platform .

To @blocktrades with what I've been seeing lately on this community , your support always bring positivity to others lives ,definitely you give them the reason to smile with their talent . Great of you.....

Back to @v4vapid , you will wonder why I return back to you, it was because you deserve the best for what you are doing to others .

I know its not easy to read lots of post to bring out little out some to be the winners of a contest.

You did a great job.... Kudos yo you

Once again ,congratulations to everyone that won the contest.

Cheers, thanks for the kind words. I feel like there's a lot of talent on the blockchain that struggles to get visibility, so I'm just trying to provide opportunities for growth and have some fun at the same time. Thanks for dropping in :)

Its my pleasure to hear from you , you know its uncommon on blockchain , some are after those around them only and care less to those who are not close to them.

What an excellent and hard fought contest @v4vapid A contest with some truly eye opening entries! Huge congratulations to @rhondak & @tremendospercy for taking 1st and 2nd place with your genuinely excellent stories! Plus a big shout to @gmuxx @creatr and all the other runners up, mind fucks and most humorous categories! So much talent to choose from! I must admit @gmuxx last line sent a chill up my spine!