Self as Balance
Taking a look at self as balance !
New look on the word: Balance
me balancing rocks on the southern tip of norway
Words is what makes us, no doubt it constitutes our world and reality.
Let me draw you a example:
If you have a addiction : that (for me) translates into: a-dictionary (of words)
Meaning one has addiction on basis of oneness past and thereby drama/trauma - which is the words that lead to the desire to escape and suppress the drama/trauma - a-diction of words ! As simple as it is hard for anyone.
That is my first peek into my working on how to redefine and live words.
Addiction - the story that lead to it.
Since we are made of words and the consequence of words : we can also free our self from the chains of consequences and victimhood, (victim of mind consciousness system) through exactly words and systems.
The big point here is to find self forgiveness within. To be able to forgive the self for what self has accepted and allowed to go on as ones living.
So much for describing the how to and some of why - redefine and live words.
For more information on living words see: SOUL (school of ultimate living)
Now back to the header lol.. Balance !
Within this life and living application I have come to find the point of personal - and self responsibility to be more and more pivotal for myself. Self responsibility meaning responsibility for life. Since I calculate myself as part of life and all what life IS, that makes me responsible a representative, a spokesperson, for all life and all what life is. Meaning (lots of meanings here lol) everything that take place on this mother earth - I as you - are equally responsible - for it all. Every tiny fart !
So pealing my union, revealing my process, going through my mind with its systems, I come to find that, to me balance is very important. So I want to invite you to a company me with diving into this word balance with me.
The word balance is up for a redefinition - for and by me.
First let's look at the/some (online) dictionary definition :
- an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain upright and steady
- the ability of a boat to stay on course without adjustment of the rudder.
- a situation in which different elements are equal or in the correct proportions.
- the relative volume of various sources of sound.
- harmony of design and proportion.
- an apparatus for weighing, especially one with a central pivot, beam, and two scales.
- a counteracting weight or force.
- the regulating device in a clock or watch
- a predominating amount; a preponderance.
- a figure representing the difference between credits and debits in an account; the amount of money held in an account.
- put (something) in a steady position so that it does not fall.
- remain in a steady position without falling
- offset or compare the value of (one thing) with another.
Pjuh ! That was QUITE a long and complex definition to a single word
But if I was to make this into a simple words for me to use as support for me, in my living, how would I define this word ? How can I learn to know this word, through and through ? And then live it as a application/tool/life/juice.
If I play with the sounding of this word, it sounds like,
"Bal-once" , "Bounce", "Dance" .... something like that !
So this makes it more clear to me to be able to be this word. Being this word as in living and applying this word. So for me to be in balance, to bounce, dance, in myself stable, calm, considerate self, sort of equilibrium of self. How do I define this word balance ?
I chose to be a bit creative with it and then after some effort, seeing, considering ,experiencing, breathing, slowing down, and testing. There appears a cool new tune.
Be all once, and more reasonable: Be all for once.
So for me to be all for once, ahhh.. for me to have a equal and one relationship to all and everyone - as myself. That sounds very much like in balance. Agreed ?
For me to be all. As a life form as a infinite being. My life form and essence is equal and one to that of yours, and then I am by all terms equal and one with everything, in balance.
So within this lies a deep calling, from oneness and equality - equilibrium / life, for us all to come together and unite, as beings, and work with the solutions that we represent.
Interesting huh ?
For me what peaks out at this moment is that possibility and opportunity of self realization and empowerment, with being one with all. That is quite a standard, that would really be a change in this life and world that we live. To really consider all as one as equals within everything that takes place on earth - and the universe and beyond.
So for me to be able to consider all as one and equal, as I would also be equal and one to myself, that would be a cool point of balance, to "be all for once" - and not go into mind with its separation, as thoughts, consciousness, imagination and feelings and emotions - the traps of mind - that have kept us in a inferior and addicted/slave/abusive/ego position for a stunningly long time.
There is more to it... like ones diet, work out, lifestyle, but this basis that I have stated here is very solid - as a foundation - and is applicable for anyone.
So I did a video the other day on some of this topic, like the potential of self empowerment, with taking 100% responsibility for all as life -as self. Check it out here: Game changers !
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