It's not the weapon that kills but the person behind it

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

There is very important psychological model embedded in all of us one way or another - and it can be found in various forms - procrastination, blaming others, blaming things, searching for a reason and excuses, diving into the abstractions - technical descriptions of different stuff in the world either in the technological world, or in the medical, construction building, electrical, dance, religion etc, also thoughts and emotions - creating psychological dramas and problems where there is non.

There is very unemotional idea that there are no qualities embedded in anything in the world - in the objects, in the events, in the other people. Every quality that something has is given to it by some subjective entity - some individual person.

As a developer I'm gonna start with software sector a little bit.
Software in short is text (programming code) that is transformed in such a way that the computer interprets and executes and does (hopefully) some useful work.

The quality of the code has some but not 100% direct relation to the quality of the software, and has no direct relation to the usefulness of it and in the end how much people will use it. Another variable to append is the time for writing and verifying the quality.

In the software world the titles/labels of the code writers has no direct relation to the quality of the software. As - in a lot of cases - the software is not directly related to the human health (yes, there are a lot of sectors that are health related and in there - it matters). There is artificial ladder, an imaginary target to climb and reach, so the employees are motivated to work to archive it.

How much of the areas in the human society require truly walk through the traditional education? Maybe in the medical area and a few more where, while you don't have practice and if you do something stupid - people will die. How much of these are out there?

How much areas in life has millions of courses - out there in the traditional system and in the "entrepreneurial" world? Programming, business, trade, tourism, marketing, writing, music, dancing... It is no coincidence that 1% of 1% of the successful doesn't have completed universities. Either a person has the "knack", the passion, the enthusiasm about something or he doesn't. Either he does it in practice or he doesn't. And in the else case a person will go into some not so happy path because of the society expectations and obligations and because of some custom and subjective opinions.

How blaming someone will help resolve a problem? Just for a second imagine that the person you are blaming is death, would this resolve YOUR problem? In many many cases - NO. In too many cases the reason for a problem is systematic. There is a quote that floats "A solution to a problem cannot be found with the same way of thinking and acting that created it".

In many cases blaming is directed to oneself. Sometimes there are emotions, sometimes there are only thoughts and there are very unproductive and even unhealthy. Do you practice emotional intelligence? It could be useful in absolutely every area. If you control your emotions you could ACT with clear mind. It is not denying emotions all together according to my opinion, but instead using them actually for good/practical direction.

What are you practically doing? Technology, money, knowledge, software and hardware tools are just that - tools. I see putting too much attention to the tools, to the abstractions everywhere every day. A car doesn't give you superiority over any other person, neither any number of paper money, neither digital, neither a possession of some object, having a "title" or "label" , neither the understanding and the wisdom over some area of life. It is knowing/having something, and using it for good without making it a big deal is the core of true honesty, moral, integrity and virtue.