#1 Psychological disorders you might have but you don't know about
Before I mention the disorders one by one. Once in your life you this thought might have crossed your mind, that "Does everyone have psychological disorders?". I mean look around you, all the people that you've met the appear to act in deviant ways.
I personally believe everyone has a predisposition to one, yes. All it takes is a trigger. Whether or not the disorder is chronic (life long) depends on whether or not it’s being treated, or whether a change in current situation can correct it.
Not getting proper attention, thinking that your life is not the way it should be, finding things misplaced, all could lead to a disorder.
I'm going to mention some of the disorders below, which some of you might even have. I also have some of them don't worry, you're not alone.
Capgras Delusion

This is the belief that someone close to you - your friend, family member or loved one - has been replaced by an imposer even though they might act and speak normally.
This disorder is a type of delusion, and is seen in people with schizophrenia, individuals with brain damage, and those with degenerative brain disease.
Mirror-touch synesthesia
When you see people do a handshake or go for a hug, do you feel like you are receiving a handshake or are being hugged? If so, then you may suffer from a rare mental disorder called Mirror-touch synesthesia.

This is is a hyper-active empathy response, causing people to physically feel what they see happening to someone else.
That is not all, other forms of synesthesia also exist, allowing people to taste what others are tasting, or see colors where colors were not originally placed. (Are you reading this article in black ink? Some people may see it in another color!)
Imagine you're sitting on your comfy sofa, drinking coffee and watching your favorite movie.
If you just visualized that in your mind, then you don't have Aphantasia.

That’s right; people with the mental disorder known as aphantasia can’t conjure pictures in their mind’s eye. In fact, the very word “aphantasia” means the opposite of “phantasia,” the Greek word for imagination.
Some people are actually born with this disorder, while it does have cases similar to "Amnesia", where the brain loses the ability or "forgets how to form images".
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