Why Many People are Afraid of Changes?

in #psychology7 years ago

I'm not afraid to say that each of us knows people who are "whining" because of some problems in their lives:

  • Unloved work.

  • Relationships (marriage) that do not bring happiness.

  • Don't like living in this house/apartment or city/country.

  • His or her figure/weight.

And many other reasons... but! Of course, do nothing to change it...

A well-known Chinese proverb says: when the wind of change blows, some build walls, others - windmills.

And, it would seem, what could be easier - know who you are! Then surely you will be able to accept the changes and be ready for them... but, firstly - to know yourself is not such a simple task, and secondly - psychology gives us a few more "points" for reflection.

Any changes, both positive and negative, are:

  • Fear that it will be worse than now.

  • Absolute uncertainty.

  • Something to which many are not ready.

And people have to day after day torment this dilemma - to try to change something in their lives or not!

Here we come to another "step" that needs to be overcome in the way of changes in one's life. It's impossible to change your life without changing yourself! How it says - wherever a person tries to escape from their problems, he takes himself with him!

Therefore, we must start with yourself. In general, the analysis of yourself actions is a great thing! Want to change something - analyze what you can change in yourself! What are your actions leading to a negative result in this matter? After all, the road begins with the first step. So is your goal. Rarely when we can get what we want right away... we need to do something, work hard, eliminate the causes of failure coming from ourselves!

For myself, I have already determined what changes mean - it's a way out of the comfort zone. No more, no less... And since for me the exit from the comfort zone is not a problem, I easily perceive changes, even negative ones. Just another "adventure" from the Lady Life.

Don't be a person "Starting a new life on Monday"

The main motivation in life - time is running out! I'm not saying that you cannot change yourself and your life in 70/80/90 years. You can! But it will be much more difficult! After all, the "swamp" of everyday problems and habits of living "like that" will not let you go so easily... I've read quite a few books on psychology, but I like a simple and uncomplicated phrase...

Just Do It!

Changes can:

  • Improve your life!

  • Expand your horizons!

  • Unleash your potential!

Don't be afraid of change, my friends! The world is huge and there is a lot of unexplored and surprising in it!

Sincerely, Terry Craft.

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It is more like a mental blocking to initiate change. Being use to routine also makes people avoid to change. Our support system needs to be strong therefore if someone's in our life said they want to change for betterment, we should support them. Just my 2 cents

change is not always good. most of people mind doesn't love the change as auto-protection from the problems that a not well managed change causes.

I once heard someone talk about this topic through the lens of an old bible story. When Moses and Pharoh were in Egypt and the plague of frogs had covered the land, Pharoh was pleading with Moses to pray that the frogs would leave. Moses asked Pharoh, "When would you like me to pray" Pharoh said. "Tomorrow"

I think we lose most of our lives waiting for tomorrow, because today is the only chance we really have to step into change

It's the fear of uncertainty.
But always bear in mind: the only constant is change.
Thanks for posting!

Very goot tips Terry, I agree with you. It is time for us to change with time and always accept the new reality of life in relationship or even financial life. This strategy will certainly make us a more successful people.

The unknown is scary, fear of loss. You never know what is going to happen. Usually it's great, but one doesn't know until they try!

Sometimes I embrace changes, but sometimes I don't. It all depends on what the situation is, I embrace the changes that I wanted to but I couldn't accept the unexpected changes.

In time, I learn to accept the expected and unexpected changes in life. And that's the most important thing to learn in life because if you could accept any kind of changes, you can be fluid to fit anywhere and things won't blow you down easily.

I am a recovering addict with 17 months clean...One day walking back to the abandoned house I was squatting in after begging change all day, I told my home boy, I think I am gonna get clean...he was like Yeah you might want to think about that...I told him ...no I mean right now...I walked into the hospital and asked for help....I have now been sober 17 months!!

Congrats!! That is incredible! Good job making a choice and sticking to it! I know that is so difficult and I can't even imagine the struggles you have overcome to persevere in your decision. You are so inspiring!

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I think it has more to do with mind set and low self-esteem than being afraid. When a person's desire gets weak or broken, it's hard for that individual to make proper decisions to bring about change.

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@terrycraft - You have explained a very profound truth in very simple language . By personal experience, I know that whining does not help and change has to be made in self, after some introspection, to change our lives. You are absolutely correct in pointing out that change is usually way out of our comfort zone and therefore, perhaps not easy to implement. This should not stop us from accepting change because, ultimately, it will change our lives. Thanks for this thought provoking blog. Upvoted and followed you.

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