We can destroy our lives by choosing the wrong people for life companions

in #psychology7 years ago

We are constantly accelerating our lives, setting a high rate of relations. And often this is due to fear of loneliness.

No one wants to be alone. In trying to find something as soon as possible, we commit acts whose consequences can leave an unpleasant trail in our lives. Few think about the benefits that can be derived from this state.


We can destroy our lives because of the inability to express our feelings
After experiencing many difficult moments in life, we close.

When we meet new people, we restrain ourselves, try not to say something superfluous, we feel afraid to admit what close people mean to us.


There are those who consider any manifestation of feelings a weakness. This is the opinion of people who do not have the courage to open up.
And let them be convinced that they are so much better and more relaxed, in fact, they deprive themselves of the brightest moments of life.


The ability to forgive saves us from anger, hatred and an empty waste of spiritual strength.
Hanna Mor....

We can destroy our lives by constantly comparing ourselves with others

Why this harms us:

  • We compare the worst in ourselves with the best that we see in others.

  • Comparing, we do not win anything, but, on the contrary, we lose. For example: pride, enthusiasm and excitement, self-esteem.

  • New successes do not help, because we always find with whom or with what else we compare ourselves. The comparison is endless.

  • Comparing himself with another person, we spend and invest valuable energy in it that have to invest in yourself.

  • Comparisons prevent you from rejoicing.

  • Everyone is unique, which means that any comparison is unfair.