Responding to Ben Shapiro on "transgenderism" and abortion...

in #psychology7 years ago

Responding to Ben Shapiro on "transgenderism" and abortion...  

It is sad that the two topics are being interconnected when they have NOTHING in common.

One is about taking the life of an innocent human being. A baby that in most cases is created out of consensual acts done by two people who are responsible for their own actions.

While gender dysphoria is a medically recognized condition that is 100% cured when the person suffering with it has the necessary surgeries and treatments to make their outsides match their insides.

His responses to the high suicide rate are ridiculous and ignorant. The higher rate of suicide IS most definitely connected to bullying and not being accepted. It is the T in the LGBTQ community that even gets bullied within the community! I can only imagine how horrible it would be to be in a body that didn't match the gender you identify with! And then to have people think like this man, being rejected for being born the way you are, something you couldn't help would be heartbreaking!

The other connection between the higher suicide rate is due to the overwhelming cost of transitioning. They feel trapped in a body that isn't their own and are desperate to get out of it. So suicide becomes an option in their minds

No one would "choose" to be transgender. It is the most bullied identity within the LGBTQ community and society in general of course it is going to have a higher suicide rate. And keep in mind it is the type of bullying they are dealing with that is different than bullying in general. Then add in the cost to correct the dysphoria and many become overwhelmed and feel suicide is their only hope.

To say a "penis equals a man and a vagina equals a female" is complete nonsense and shows true ignorance. There are babies born with both genitalia and usually the parents decide which gender the child should be assigned shortly after birth. Sometimes they get it right and other times they do not and the child is living in a body that does not match who they were born to be.

There are men who have lost their penis to cancer or injury, does that mean they should be considered a woman and use the woman's restroom? There are women who have had their vagina mutilated by force, it no longer resembles a natural vagina, does that make them no longer a woman and should they now use the male bathrooms?

We can either be part of the solution and help to stop the hatred and ignorance towards the trans people, their by reducing the number of suicides and murders, or we can be part of the problem. We do have a choice in that. As for me, I am choosing to believe that God doesn't make mistakes and when it says in His image he created us all, male and female, that it means EVERY person is an image of God. Consider this, the term "male and female" doesn't mean only man and only means we are all a combination of both...just like God is not really a "male". EVERY person alive is a combination of both male and female...EVERY person. So it doesn't even have to be a stretch to believe that some people can be born in a body that didn't physically develop to match how they feel mentally and emotionally. 


Ben Shapiro is a closed-minded mouthpiece for anyone with intolerance to humans that don't believe, act or live the way they (Ben and others) want them to.

Having hatred toward anyone that has done nothing dangerous to others or themselves (yet) is unjustified and downright cruel and should excuse them from the human race.

You're absolutely correct, be part of the solution... not the problem that separates us.

Totally disagree with you. If you have a penis, you're a man and vice-versa. Because you have a mental issue does not change that fact. I am not saying we should be down on people who have this mental condition, no more than anyone else with a mental illness. But the fact is that the condition is not physical, it is mental. Changing the body to match the mental condition is NOT the correct solution. Helping to fix the mental condition is.