17 facts which will help you to wake up

in #psychology9 years ago (edited)

To live good life, to make what dreamed long ago of and not to regret about it.  Of course, it is difficult, and there are no warranties that at you everything will turn out. But it is possible if to make all efforts. There are 17 simple truth which will help you. Perhaps some of them will be a little rigid, but they will help to understand laws of this life quicker. 

1. Nobody will prompt that it is necessary for you for happiness and success.

Sometimes there is a wish that other people told you what should be done, and were right. Nevertheless nobody will help you with the questions concerning such important things as your happiness and success. 

2. Things which we do well aren't always good for us.

It is better to move slowly in a right direction, than to move quickly in incorrect. You do favorite thing? Even if at you something well turns out, but it takes you away from your dream, it is necessary to refuse this . And the earlier you will make it, the less you will lose the invaluable time.

3. The most unfortunate people — those who think of a opinion of other people.

When talk comes about a dream and happiness, just it is necessary to mention this problem. You shall prove nothing. You can become anyone. Let others opinion will become just information for you.

4. People can make you better or to break.

Even the most positive and strong person surrounded with whiners, sufferers and people without dream and the purpose will turn into one of them sooner or later. Surround yourself with those who inspire you, but don't pull back.

5. Don't pretend to be, remain honest.

Honesty and frankness won't make you the most popular, but will help to find loyal friends and the necessary contacts.

6. You will never be perfect.

If you want to become "ideal", and then tell the world about your ideas and talents, then the world can not hear about you.

7. The comfort kills your dream!!!!

You can stay in comfort or aim at the purpose. There are no other options.

8. If you want new life, it is necessary to refuse old.

If you wish what never had, you shall do what was never done. Through 10 unsuccessful startups there will be the 11th which will bring you millions. It is impossible only to people who give up on the way to the purpose. This principle acts also on STEEMIT.

9. The only way to receive that you wish — to act.

10. If you gave nothing for the achievement, it wouldn't be so valuable.

Pay this price. It is much better to be tired of good and important work, than of inaction.

11. Problems is a part of each history of success.

If you had problems — it is good. It means that you move to the purpose, you study and you grow. Problems don't happen only at the one who does nothing.

12. Concentration on minor problems — the biggest error of mankind.

Try to obtain great success, noting and using good opportunities. No need find and solve each minor problem.

13. Failures are inevitable and necessary.

Failure can become your teacher, not the enemy. It is a lesson, but not loss.

14. In life what you wish, and what you try to obtain, seldom match ideally.

When you achieve the objectives, it can differ from the fact that you imagined. Just remember that the greatest gifts of your life aren't always packed as you expect it.

15. You can't change the past, but you can destroy the present, worrying about the future.

You are in the present moment. Concentrate on it. Tomorrow there will be what shall occur.

16. You won't be able to live happy life with negative attitude.

Positive attitude is a considerable trait of character which any successful person has. Your relation to life defines, how well you will live.

17. Life permanently changes and often does it absolutely unexpectedly.

Life changes, but also you can change together with it. Sometimes time is required to decide on the values and to reconsider them. Have courage to make a choice, find forces to finish business.


Hi, unfortunately this post is a word-to-word translation from Russian. (5 facts are omitted)
Possible source: https://lifehacker.ru/2014/10/09/22-istiny-chtobi-prosnutsya/

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