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RE: Psychology Addict # 55 | The Role Biology Plays in Defining Who We Are - A Critical Discussion.

in #psychology6 years ago

The drone pollinator is just about the least, compared to what is coming.
I remember one of Elon Musk's predictions that a major world war will be triggered by the battle for superiority in AI. As hard as it may sound, a time is approaching when every of our human abilities (cognitive, psychomotor, and efferent abilities) can be replicated artificially by tech.
I've researched a lot about machines (and human interactions with them). However, whatever we have seen so far in AI is just at its infancy. Imagine what will happen when ASI (Artificial Super Intelligence) emerges... biology might be on the brink of being dispensable. Well, let's hope it favours us.

Thanks for the link you dropped Abbey, I'll quickly read it up.
Lots of love from rainy Nigeria.


Thank you for all this info Sammi. It is thanks to you I am venturing into this field a little more (I know so little). I feel it's so important! :)
