
Hey, the first piece of art is by my friend Alex Chiu. It would be good if you please linked to the source. Here is his website:

Whoa, cool.

Thanks for the tip. Updated with credit. Awesome work!

a ton of complex thinking reading this post, lol lets hope none of us go crazy anytime soon ^_^ thanks for sharing! check out my latest post if its not too much to ask!

Post + VIDEO --->

Well, as someone who's already a card-carrying member of the "crazy" people, certified by a U.S. Court, I have to say that you give the topic more consideration than your average bear. Upvoted & Resteemed.

Here are some of the other people I spent time with in the mental hospital:

  • A Certified Public Accountant (6-year degree)
  • A Nutritionist (4-year degree)
  • One of my doctors was a recovered Shizophrenic
  • Another one of my doctors was Bi-Polar
  • A Fireman
    *A Police Officer
  • A Pastor
  • An Electrical Engineer (4-year degree)

Breaking down can happen to anyone, from any cross-section of the culture, for a variety of reasons - usually involving personal pain, loss, addiction, and/or abuse of various kinds. I lierally met thousands of different people in the State Hospital during my 13 & 1/2-year stay. Here are the statistics:
1/3 will get better, with the right medication - or without it
1/3 will sometimes do better than at other times, with the right meds
1/3 are not helped at all by any form of treatment
I was one of the lucky ones - medications & other behavioral therapy helped me to recover most of my former self.

Having gone through a period of being "crazy" myself, I came to the same conclusion you did:

Breaking down can happen to anyone, from any cross-section of the culture, for a variety of reasons

glad you made it through.

This article is crazy cool ;)

If looking through the lens where anything and everything is related to Parkinson's, sure... but then you'd by default exclude all other info that is not...

Very good theory, the ideas evoke are interesting.

Nice post dear Upvoted @rok-sivante plz check my blog thanks alot

This is a super appropriate post on the the eve of a full moon, in which the moon will be conjunct Pluto and Opposite the Sun and Mars and Square Jupiter (can I supersize that for you Planet) as well as Square Uranus (planet of sudden unexpected change.)
CRAZY-making, yes. Be safe, be sane, and think several times before acting.

Hmmm... the idea has been brewing for a while... interesting syncronicity that today is the day it chose to flow through to be published, if that's the case...

I wrote an article yesterday about the Moon Ingress to Capricorn, if you want to check it out. And I am about ready to start one on this evening's full moon (in Capricorn). I hope that you enjoy it. Thank you for your work.

When we reduce another to "crazy," we cease the effort to understand. By judging, we disconnect from the wealth of knowledge awaiting discovery that could potentially upgrade our consciousness of system dynamics we do not yet understand.

Absolutely hit the nail on the head. I mean, with the whole post, really, but these two sentences really resonated with me from my own experiences. Words have inredible power—more than many people even consider. As you're explaining, when you boil it all down to "crazy," you're just completely shutting down the process. Boom. End of story. Thinking over. It's partially laziness, and partially a coping mechanism, I think. To process it all would, perhaps, drive a person "crazy." ;)

It's unfortunate, though. Instead of spending a little extra time/energy to have your eyes OPENED, many people take this "cop-out" method and shut it all down. Imagine the world we'd live in if people were more conditioned to question things, dig deeper, and be a little uncomfortable for the sake of growth and knowledge.

Happy to have stumbled across your post. Following you and looking forward to reading more (and catching up on some of your old posts which look equally as intriguing as this one!)

And your feedback is appreciated.

And as you probably can already see, this concept of dumbening down through judgement applies much more broadly than just its focus into this particular topic of "crazy" - the dynamic is essentially the same with any judgement.

There are probably quite a few older posts of mine if scrolling back down my feed... I'm sure there may be a few titles in specific that jump out to grab your attention wherein may be found more of what shall satisfy the driving curiosities... ;-)