Break the stigma part 3 - Robert

in #psychology8 years ago



Depression is the most widely known mental illness. It's important to learn the difference between depression and the expression "I feel depressed" Depression affects 8% of the Canadian population and 6.9% of the American population. It's a serious illness that can trigger insomnia, anxiety, a feeling of helplessness, lower libido and so much more. I interviewed my close friend Robert to speak about his experience.

When did you start feeling different? And did you know it was depression?

It's hard to say exactly, pretty much since 7th grade I think. And no I didn't know I had depression right away, I just thought I was different from everyone. I didn't really have any friends and then when I switched schools in 8th grade it was even worse.
It wasn't until I saw a therapist in grade 11 that I was diagnosed with anxiety, depression, SAD, and OCD
This was all a foreign concept to me as I went to school in a small French Christian town, and my mom did not believe that metal illness was a thing

Did you get treatment for it?

I did therapy sessions every two weeks downtown and one once a month at my school. Plus they tried a slew of medications on me until they found something that somewhat helped me. Citalopram.

Did learning about it help you in any way?

It definitely did, it helped me think about my feelings and reflect more on my inner self as to why I was feeling the way I was. It was like taking a deep breath and freeing my mind from itself
It taught me to learn how to step back, relax, and believe everything is going to be ok

How did it effect your education?

Well, in grade 11 I missed 60% of my classes, but I still passed. I think if i had gone I would've done better.

What about your friendships?

I didn't have many friendships, but the ones I did I ended up cutting off when my depression worsened

How did your family deal with it?

They were unsupportive. My guidance counsellor had to beg my mom to get my a therapist and a psychiatric evaluation because she didn't believe in mental illness

Has that changed?

Yes, my mom has educated herself and has become a lot more understanding. She still has an extremely hard time with it, but she tries

How would you explain depression to someone that doesn't experience it?

Like you're in the middle of a lake, and no matter how hard you paddle, you're never going to get to shore

Do you have any advice for people with depression?

I'd say, take it one day at a time. You're not going to get better over night, but by taking small steps towards your end goal.

Find part 1 here
And part 2 here

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Wow this is very interesting and usefull to know, I am the new user of stimmit I hope so you can halp me with stimming,nice post and its very nice to know something about it ,thank you for posting,and good luck to next post.