in #psychology7 years ago

Children often act out when they are angry and can often leave their parents in a state of shock and confusion. Parents often do not know what is bothering their child and what the root cause of anger is. Here are a few suggestions that parents should do to help their children manage and better control their anger. Parents can help their children develop several of these abilities through learning about practical tips, helping them develop coping skills, advice, anger management games and healthy anger related exercises.

One of the common mistakes that parents do in this state of confusion is that they often give in to their child’s demands. They think that this is the best way to calm them and make them happy. Make sure to not give in to your child’s demands as this will reaffirm to them that angry outburst leads to positive results. Talk to the child in a nice calm manner, do not lecture them. After their angry outburst has mellowed down, praise your child for how they have controlled their anger. Talk to them about their behavior and how proud you are of them.

Parents can:

• Show warmth and affection to their child
• Don’t lecture or punish them
• Have clear but reasonable expectations of them
• Do not be controlling or have rigid structures
• Talk to them in soft tone voice
• Spend more time with them
• Listen to them
• Give them hugs, kisses and emotional support
• Teach them anger management strategies
• Praise them regularly especially when they show signs of controlling anger
• Acknowledge their angry feelings
• Be proactive rather than being reactive
• Asking open ended questions on ways to deal with their angry feelings
• Teach them deep breathing exercises
• Ways to avoid stress
• Try to reason with them when they are calm, do not reason with them when they are enraged.

The Angry Birds Movie:

“The Angry Birds Movie – Clip: Red’s Anger”

“The Science of Anger”