Soundbites 6

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)
  1. The school system only teaches two things, whether you are a superior or an inferior person, both of which are lies.

  2. We are all enabled disableds

  3. Truth is, we are all frenemies. Hard to accept. But actually true.

  4. Love is tempting, but it always leads to problems one way or another, unless it is holistic. The bad stuff and the good stuff follow each other about.

  5. You pay for everything you do.

  6. It's very hard to accept how completely average we all are, but I have. If you think you are special, that would be a mental illness. Fact is all men are entriely average and equivalently worthy.

  7. Squabbling over money. So it has always been, will be?

  8. We love to kid ourselves that there is something wrong with the world, there isn't.

  9. The most terrifying thing you have to face is that everything that has/will happen has divine providence.

  10. Level the playing field. He/she is a shitbag and so are you and I. It takes one to know one.

  11. It's a risk/reward world. Avoiding risks tends to mean avoiding rewards.

  12. Looking well doesn't mean that you are well.

  13. At one point in life I put on some weight. What I noticed is that when I went through 15 stone on the way up, it seemed like I was enormous and really heavy. When I went through 15 stone on the way down, it felt like a feather compared to the 19 stone I had been. It was the same 15 stone, but my experience, never having been anywhere near 15 stone on the way up was different. What it taught me is that experience determines perspective.

  14. The real deep down you, what you really are, is the whole universe. - Alan Watts.

  15. The one thing the rich know that the poor don't is that life is still a lot of fuss and bother irrespective of whether you are rich or poor.