Soundbites 3

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)
  1. There's a lyric by the Red Hot Chili Peppers, 'this ride is right on course'. 'Unbelievable' said EMF, 'too true', say the people, 'you can't say that'. Bill Hicks said 'life is like a ride in an amusement park'. Metallica said in the tune fight fire with fire 'life set in the past', in other words, the universe has a blue print and what happens is 'set' there before the universe even started. The Egyptians believed in the God 'Set' in other words, this is all a 'set-up' that we have no control over. The very word steemit is an anagram of 'set time' which you can read as we all have a 'set time' on this planet which we cant change. Another one from Metallica is the line, 'life planned out before my birth' in the song disposable heros, as is true of us all? It's a good question whether some of these bands are musicians or psychiatrists. Stop resisting facts.

  2. It will freak anybody out, the idea that there is 'something else' - the subconscious, the blueprint, making all their decisions for them. We think we make free choices, but how free is free is a good question.

  3. Honesty gets you nowhere. Imagine it in a bar 'you are an average lady, same as all the rest'.

  4. Bizarre, but perfect lucidity is behind all occurrence and it is from a position of lucidity that all decisions are made. Think it through.

  5. Success is a subjective thing.

  6. When you alter your mind, you will realise that life is not something that you do, it is something that is done to you – guidance.

  7. Life always has you under control.... Life, you bad boy.

  8. When people think they have any control or say over what happens to them, that is technically insanity. In a wholly deterministic world, people have no say. Seeing this can make you think you are going mad, but you are not. When you think you are 'going mad', that is a good sign that what is happening is you are actually 'going sane'. If mad is all you have known, you wouldn't realise it until you sanitise you mind and then you can see that insanity is the normal and accepted state of mind.

  9. When you say the word 'I' what do you mean, have you ever thought about it. That is the most important question that anyone can ask themselves. Additionally, what would be the difference between 'I' with a capital letter and 'i' in the lower case?

  10. The unconscious is a strange thing, because I don't think it ever is unconscious. What we call the unconscious is really the conscious but in some weird way we have been schooled not to be able to be aware of it. What I am saying is that consciousness is all there is and none of it is unconscious we just perceive it that way in our small scoped minds.

  11. The perception deception is interesting. As a computer scientist, I am pretty good at coding. What this means is that I see code in pretty much everything. Simple example, the word planet would imply that there is a plan, hence, plan-et. That's a form of code. But interpretation is everything. I don't know what the Spanish for planet is, but I assume it is not 'planet'. If you had a Spanish guy who had never and could not speak a word of English and you wrote down the word 'planet' for him on a piece of paper and showed it to him, then he isn't going to even know what the word means at all, he might think the word planet means hamburger or something. So, seeing subliminals depends on your awareness. The more aware you are (read intelligent if you like) the more chance there is that you will see subliminal meaning in life. If you are dead headed, you won't be able to see the subliminals but if you resurrect your mind you can see far more subliminal meaning. So, the idea is that you are mentally ill if you are 'seeing something that other people cannot see' but the reality is, it's not mental illness it is simply that in some way, you are more aware than someone else is. It's quite possible, therefore that the Spanish guy might be 'getting messages' through his language that an English guy can't see and so on. The fact that there are subliminal ciphers in language is not something to debated. If you think there are not it is because you are unaware, not because they are not there.

  12. The reason why 'the answers' are a problem is not because people don't know what the answers are because we all know the answers. The problem becomes facing the answers which is a whole other question. So, it's not that the guy down the street doesn't know the answers, it's not that, he does, we all do, it is just that most people choose not to face them using self imposed and chosen mind control techniques and limitation. I actually think that there is 'something' on this planet which is either paranoid about the answers or is simply resisting it or finds life easier to not be aware. The Beatles said, 'Living is easy with eyes closed'. So, when you can't see reality as it really is, somehow that is easier, and truly it is. So, never garnish a guy that doesn't know what is going on with too much sympathy, he has made his choice not to know and will have received appropriate recompense. Some people ask, 'great, I am understanding life more now' but what they don't ask is what is that understanding costing them in life. You have to pay to see the sense of it, and most don't want to pay and that is why they don't understand. For many people, facing the answers is simply too intimidating so they choose not to. Again, the answers are there for anybody endowed with the courage to face them. Not all the answers perhaps, but a damn good chunk of them. Something to realise about 'the answers' is that before a certain point in time, they couldn't be known. For example, this reality is a 3 dimensional holographic movie, you can't know that until you know what a movie is. In 1863, say to someone, you live in a movie, a film, they would say, 'wozzat mate, wozza movie?'.