My thoughts: perfectionism

in #psychology4 years ago

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Dear lovely ones,

Today I will be talking about perfectionism and my thoughts on it.

According to Wikipedia, perfectionism is characterised by a person's striving for flawlessness and setting high performance standards, accompanied by critical self-evaluations and concerns regarding others' evaluation.

I used to think that perfectionism was a blessing to have and I would like to have that also but little did I know that it was actually a curse. People who struggle with perfectionism always tend to set so high standards for themselves and if they do not achieve that, it can be so disappointing and agonising.

I think that perfectionism is somehow related to anxiety. And if this perfectionism is not managed well, it could lead a person become restless and anxious most of the time. Well, I am sharing this based on my observation of my own perfectionism. But I have observed others who have perfectionism characteristics in them, somehow they seem rather restless.

I have learn one thing to ease this whole perfectionism lifestyle that is we must come to acknowledge that no human being on this planet is ever perfect. And no matter how hard we try, we will still never going to be perfect. So in recognising these, I realised it is pointless for me to keep striving to be perfect for no matter how hard I tried, I will never be perfect.

We need to learn to accept our imperfection and embrace it and love ourselves for these imperfections. We are just special and beautiful just the way we are and we do not need to be perfect or look perfect for this world. God just loves us the way we are in our imperfections. However, we need to recognise what is wrong and stop doing those. We need God's grace and through Him we can do all things.

So I will end my note today on one thing, if you are struggling with perfectionism like me, do remember that no human being on this earth is perfect and they can never be perfect no matter how hard they try. We can only do our best and leave the rest to God and trust in Him. For God knows what is best for us.

with love

#perfectionism #psychology #anxiety #mythoughts


Servus :)

"Imperfection is underrated" like a friend of mine always says.
Every skill we have can be a bless or a curse. It depends on what we do with these skills.
If I use perfectionism to do something the right way, its a very good and useful skill. But like you wrote, it also seems to belongs to anxiety, a bit. I know some people which have to do something in a specific way. And no other way. And it looks like they are afraid of something. Punishment? To disappoint someone? I dont really know.
To be true. I would say these people are prisoners of their own thoughts. They never grow, they never learn. They do what ever they do to get applause, to be a part of something. But these are my thoughts :)

I believe, real perfection, we will find after our death. But, like you wrote, never in these world. We have to trust in God. These world is not crazy, and our skills aren´t too. There is a good reason why we are like we are.
And I believe one day, we will see why we are like we are.


Hi there :)

Thank you so much for your response. So beautifully written. I could never said it better. We will never see true perfection in this world.

The perfectionism that belongs to anxiety seems create a prison for a person's mind. So true. They end up not learning or growing. It is sad. Only God will be able to deliver a person from such a prison.