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RE: Psychology Addict # 55 | The Role Biology Plays in Defining Who We Are - A Critical Discussion.

in #psychology6 years ago

I won't pretend to understand this as completely as the other commenters seem to, but damn girl you talk a good talk!
This is a topic that is very much at the forefront of my mind on a more layperson level, especially regarding pronoun selection. But that's not what you are discussing here so I digress.
I have two questions.
First is regarding S's statement about will-to-life as an internal force that pushes us forward and channels our life focus mostly towards sex, and all for the sake of reproduction I wonder how old he was when he thought that, and did he have the good fortune to move beyond those years when sex is a diminished drive. What is the will-to-life in your sixties, which is where I am now? I very much have a will to live, perhaps even more so, and feel more womanly than I did as a young woman in my breeding years. Is this a product of developed self-awareness independent of biology? Does meta-cognition cause the will-to-live after breeding is no longer possible? Perhaps the will to live is a human construct.

The second question is about those prenatal sex hormones. Are you saying that the presence or lack of prenatal sex, with another or oneself presumably, affects depressive natures in life? And more for female offspring than male? If so, our doctors could be telling us this, and advising sex toys along with folic acid. I know my urge for sex was much stronger during pregnancy, especially the last trimester, than after. Is this for the psychological health of the future human?

Very interesting essay! Thank you!
