9 Types of Intelligence (hey smartypants)

in #psychology8 years ago (edited)

Turns out there are lots of ways one can excel in the smarts department. But really, are any of us surprised?

Here are nine ways you may be more clever than your friends!

  1.  The Naturalist-If you are a successful gardener or outdoors man you probably possess some "nature smarts"
  2. Logical/Mathematical-  Hello to all the engineers and physicists out there! This type of intelligence is one of the most noticed and praised in American culture. We have all heard people say they feel stupid because they don't excel in math.(myself included)
  3. Interpersonal- The first thing I think of is a salesman. Knowing how to read people and respond is indicative of "people smarts."
  4. Musical- Can you hear a song on the radio and then sit down to pluck it out on your guitar? Do you instinctively know how to harmonize? Well then, you are most likely the proud owner of some "music smarts"
  5. Bodily- This is referring to spacial awareness and sense of timing when it come to moving ones body through space. Think of athletes, dancers, and that one lady in your yoga class. 
  6. Intra-personal- Do you have a clear picture of what drives you? What about what hurts you? Have you taken the time to figure out why? Do you know what you think and feel about your life day to day? If so, then it's safe to say you are "self smart."
  7. Spatial- The ability to think in three dimensional terms, excelling at spatial reasoning and graphic skills. Think architects, carpenters, pilots, and sculptors. 
  8. Linguistic- Would your friends say that you are articulate? Are you able to clearly communicate and have a strong grasp of language? Perhaps you speak three different languages. Way to go! You've got a kicking case of the "word smarts."
  9. Existential- Those folks who enjoy a good conversation about the meaning of life would probably fall into this category. These people have the ability to think through the deeper questions and come up with some compelling answers.

Well there you have it, there are lots of ways to use that noodle to help shape the world around us. I realized while witting this post, that every person I have ever met fell into at least one category. I'm sure you do too. 

So the next time you are presented with a math problem that makes you want to vomit, remember it's not that you aren't smart, it's just that your smarts come in a different package.

Take Care Smarty Pants!