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RE: The Price to Pay for Abandoning Moral Commitments

in #psychology8 years ago

Yeah, true, thanks for the feedback. Lack of accountability for behavior is something that pervades all of society, even into virtual domains like Steemit. Here, it's plutocracy, where the rich rulers can do anything and only have other rich rulers who can punish each other with the SP power. If they all allow one rich ruler to misbehave, then who ever is being mistreated will continue to be mistreated. Check out my posts since the end of February, I left for nearly 3 months because of being flagged on nearly all my posts. The rich rulers single-handedly decide who is allowed to keep the rewards that other users allocate to them by upvotes.


Thank you for your candid and excellent feedback. I think what we are saying is we want truth and fairness -- not socialism -- but the systems (even virtual ) are not working. We can do better. Thank you again!

You're welcome ;) Yeah more just and fair without the corruption and scammy manipulations. Thanks for the feedback.