Use of Music in Trauma-Based Mind-Control programs (Chapter 2.13)

in #psychology6 years ago (edited)

Music is a potent psychological trigger.

Music is well-known as a powerful stimulant of emotion and state-specific memory. In other words: A song naturally has the power to transport us to a past time and place, replete with a full set of corresponding emotions. For this reason, music is often used in trauma-based mind-control programming routines.

All stimulus can be operant-conditioned (or 'associated') with a given response (Pavlov, 1890), yet music — as with scent — appears to elicit associations with exceptional ease: In other words: music, or smells, seem to be two of the most potent triggers for state-specific memories.

When the natural capacity of music to transport us psycho-emotionally back-in-time is supplemented with trauma-based programming — also known as 'ritual abuse' – the effect can be extremely powerful.

Associative conditioning with music

Trauma-based mind-control programmers will often use popular songs in conjunction with torture. This is because any induced feelings of pain and terror will become deeply associated with the song that is played alongside the abuse. This association will then be subconsciously-reenforced throughout the survivor's life.

Whenever the survivor hears the song incidentally — for example, on the radio, playing in a shop, on television or in an internet video — memories of the abuse will be triggered; often subconsciously. This triggering is sufficient to shock the system back into a state of repression. This serves the purpose of regular reenforcement of the original programming.

The tactic of using popular-songs as programmed-triggers saves the perpetrating group significant effort in manually re-enforcing the abusive programming. Instead of requiring the perpetrators to regularly re-contact the survivor, the incidental recurrence of the chosen music throughout the survivor's life will serve the purpose of maintaining fear and control over the programmed mind.

As we've explored in earlier chapters, this is a primary objective of mind-control programmers: To ensure the long-term preservation and functioning of the programmed-routines. By associating as many programming-routines as possible with everyday objects, sounds, music and other stimulus, the programmer can ensure that the survivor, when released by the perpetrators, will be subject to a lifelong cacophony of triggers. These triggers will continually maintain a lockdown on the survivor's internal system of alters who might otherwise begin to remember and speak out against their abusers. In other words: Prison guards are installed throughout the architecture of the survivor's mind.

Subconscious re-enforcement of associated music

Survivors of ritual abuse who have yet to fully de-program may find themselves drawn to play popular songs that were used during their abuse. This is typically because one or more alters (or part-selves) in the survivor's fractured internal landscape has been programmed to threaten other alters in the system by triggering and re-triggering the emotional affects of the original childhood torture. Through this process, the survivor, in effect, self-polices their own mind: Punishing other alters in the dissociative system into remaining silent should memory fragments threaten to rise to the surface.

High-volume music as a torture method

Music that is frantic, loud, and overwhelming may be used by programmers to ensure that the victim of trauma-based mind-control is deprived of sleep, or repeatedly shocked awake by the volume and fury of the noise. This technique is well-evidenced in its non-occult form: For example, in the relentless bombardment of inmates with high-volume music at the US Government's Guantanamo Bay concentration-camp.

This same type of music is often used during ritual abuse to further confuse and disorientate children. It also appears to serve a function as a stimulant and disinhibitor for the abusers participating in the abuse — riling them up into further states of aggression and dehumanization.

Music as a complex component of more sophisticated programming routines.

More sophisticated programming routines can be set up using music as a core mechanism. For example, one case study records a survivor who, after months of therapy, reported a dream in which she was being urged to 'Go the Quantas Route'. She subsequently expressed a strong interest in travelling to Australia: Quantas is the name of Australia's national airline. We thought little of this dream at the time, but made a clinical note of it.

In a therapy session a few weeks later, the survivor began to process memories of a burial ritual, she also began to report a phrase echoing in her head. The phrase was, "When the music stops; go the Quantas route." As part of this phrase had occurred in the previously-reported dream, and was directly instructive (typical of mind-control programming), we invited the survivor to go deeper into this statement and attempt to explore if it had further meaning to her.

As the session progressed, the survivor recalled childhood-programming involving a record-player and a map of the world drawn on the floor of the ritual-abuse camp in which she was held, as a child, by her abusers.

The children at the camp were made to play a 'game'. In this 'game', whenever the music on the record-player stopped, they all had to rush to 'Australia' — which was one part of the world-map drawn on the camp floor. Trainers would then ask the children, "Where do you want to go?" The children would each have to answer, "I want to fly to Australia." The programmers would then distribute fake 'plane tickets' to all the children. Any child who did not respond immediately in this way was severely tortured.

The game would be repeated often, randomly, and throughout the day whenever the record-player was used at the camp. The record-player was often stopped whenever a child spoke about abuse or the camp. The programmers would then threaten the children for speaking out and ensure that they ran to the picture of Australia on the camp ground floor — on pain of torture.

In another therapy session, the survivor's memories of this programming experience became more concrete: The survivor remembered that, in another trauma-based ritual, she was made to believe that the camp's record-player had been surgically implanted into her and would remain playing there for the rest of her life. However, if she spoke out, the record player would stop.

Obviously, from an adult perspective, the idea of implanting a record-player in a child seems absurd. But, as we have seen with many child-survivors of ritual abuse, children are more prone to embrace a 'magical' view of the universe and will fully believe that such 'implanting' operations are real, especially if carried off with considerable theatrical effect by the programmers — by faking 'surgery' in an operating theatre etc.

One of the survivor's child-alters fully believed that the record-player was implanted into her. As a result, even as an adult, this core-code persisted in the subconscious architecture of the survivor's mind.

The survivor was programmed to 'Take the Quantas route' if the 'music stopped playing'. To be explicit in describing the effect of this code on the adult: This code was a core fail-safe in the dissociated-system and was designed to force the adult survivor to take a plane to Australia if it started talking about the deepest-level programming in the system. Such fail-safes are common in computer programming and it makes sense that they would have a parallel in mind-control code. Another term for such a mechanism in engineering is a 'kill switch' or 'Dead Man's Switch'. This type of fail-safe mechanism is triggered as a last-resort if a system fails. Its purpose is to shut the system down.

The Quantas Route

We speculate, based on a long examination of the survivor's other programming routines and biography, that the 'Quantas Route' or perhaps 'Quantas Root' — the phrase has an interesting double-meaning, may be a standard installation by mind-control programmers who work for the British Crown. The survivor had been programmed at a child-abuse camp in the UK, by representatives of the British Crown.

Furthermore, the survivor's complete biography suggested that they were part of a program to train child-soldiers who, as adults, would be agents for the crown. For those unfamiliar with such malevolence, this may sound far-fetched, but it is precisely in-keeping with the objectives of the US Government's well-documented MKULTRA program.

Should the survivor 'malfunction' as an adult, this Kill Switch in her code was designed to return her quickly to Crown territory — presumably to be re-programmed, or to be decommissioned. When speculating on why Australia would be preferred destination for a Crown-agent with malfunctioning code, we speculate that Australia is a vast and —in places —desolate country, with ample space to house facilities for reprogramming, or termination, of adult survivors.

Also of note — should other clinicians encounter this 'Quantas Route/Root' programming — is that QUANTAS stands for 'Queensland And Northern Territory Aerial Services'.

As we've established, the purpose of the code programmed into the survivor's psyche was apparently to return them to Crown territory, or the land-of-the-Queen, 'Queensland' via a somewhat militaristic-sounding 'aerial service'. Certainly the terminology used in this set of instructions, and the QUANTAS acronym has the fingerprint of a military-vernacular and lends a little further credence to the stories of multiple survivors. Several survivors have told us of the active participation of the British Establishment in the rape, torture and programming of children at camps on Crown territory.

You can read the next section of this book here.

Previously published sections:

Chapter 1
1.0 Our village is sick
1.1 What is Mind control?
1.2 Engineered Ignorance of the Occult
1.3 The History of Mind Control
2.0, 2.1 Splitting and Spinning
2.2 Near-drowning
2.3 Live burials
2.4 Use of animals and insects
2.5 Association of creativity with pain
2.6 Use of electric shocks as a programming method
2.7 Ritual Murders and their Meaning
2.8 (Part I) Sexual morality, violence, and Power
2.8 (Part II) Sexual morality, violence, and Power
2.9 (Part I) Ritual abuse of babies and infanticide
2.9 (Part II) Ritual abuse of babies and infanticide
2.10 Masks and costumes as common features in trauma-based conditioning
2.11 Food deprivation as a popular technique used by mind-control programmers
2.12 Use of Drugs and Sedatives during Trauma-Based Mind Control


If you are reading this sometime in the distant future, please be aware that this is a draft chapter section from the book Secret Doors, Hidden Rooms: Understanding and Deprogramming Trauma-Based Mind-Control systems which may now be available as a complete and finished book. It will contain much more detail and an updated text. Try searching for it online.