Masks and costumes as common features in trauma-based conditioning (Chapter 2.10)

Masks and costumes are used throughout human ‘cult’ures to indicate that a person is playing a specific role in the ‘cult’. For example, someone in the priest class may wear a white dress and carry a metal totem around their neck.

Whereas someone in the order-follower class may wear a police uniform with a chequered-band around their hat — indicating that they are (consciously or not) property of the Masonic groups who designed the costumes of their police organization and for whom the chess board is an elemental icon.

In this section, first, we will present a brief overview of the non-occult — or ‘clearly visible’ — uses of masks and costumes in human society. Then we will describe the ways in which masks and costumes are used in occult (or ‘hidden’) rituals.
Hidden meanings in common costumes
The wearers of costumes in human societies often do not give considerable thought to the meanings encoded through their garments. The Master Psychologists rely on this ignorance.
It is possible, for example, for a human to wear a suit and tie and be oblivious to the meaning of his own costume: He can remain consciously unaware of the tie’s subliminal function as large arrow pointing to the male genitalia. This ignorance is probably on account of how common this particular costume is and therefore seemingly unremarkable. Most other phallocentric symbols in his culture go unremarked, and the tie is no exception.
The tie is also an inverted hangman’s noose — a reference to the situation in which those wearing this costume find themselves: Typically under the control of a strict hierarchy that tightens or loosens their ‘noose’ dependent on their complicity in undertaking the ‘business’ (the act of being ‘busy’, or busy-ness) in the ‘company’.

It is anthropologically interesting to note that this particular human costume, the ‘suit and tie’, is the most popular costume of ‘business’ on planet Earth. Business is the same activity that (in the majority of its guises) is destroying the biosphere. The home of the humans who undertake ‘being busy’ is being destroyed by this 'busy-ness'.
A more appropriate costume-metaphor could not be imagined for the ignorance under which this destruction is undertaken: Large groups of humans who wear nooses around their necks collectively ‘hang’ their own planet.
At this point, we feel the reader is now aware that an entire book could be written on the various meanings encoded in the costumes that humans wear and this task goes beyond the remit of this work. So, for the purposes of understanding and deprogramming trauma-based mind control, we will focus on the use of costumes by those who perpetrate abuse, and those who conceal it.
Costumes disguise abuse
A protestor attacked by police forces in masks is unable to identify their attackers. In the same way, a child raped by men wearing police uniforms and masks is also unable to identify their attacker.
People who abuse children in occult (or ‘hidden’) rituals come from many different levels of society but considerable numbers are members of the police forces, judicial systems, aristocracy, celebrity and government.
The reader may wonder why these kinds of people are so prevalent in occult child-abuse groups: It is because those who seek power feel powerless. To fill this void, and fend off psychological collapse, many of them must dominate and abuse (just as they were dominated and abused as children).
The desire to hold high political office, to ‘judge’ people in a court, or ‘rule’ over people as a king or queen, requires a profound absence of empathy and understanding. It is also, often, a role of power that a person has been trauma-conditioned into holding: In other words, the abuse of children by powerful people is often a unconscious repetition of that person’s own traumatization as a child.
Even a human with a basic grasp of psychodynamics can see the the injustice in separating communities into castes (or classes) and allocating resources unequally. However, the Master Psychologists have shaped an ‘education’ system that does not teach psychodynamics because it would risk their overthrow. Furthermore, they have actively taken steps to demonize equality.
Ceremonial costumes
Occult groups will typically wear masks and costumes during the rape of children in their ‘ceremonies’. The costumes worn provide a disguise, but may also be intentionally chosen to generate additional trauma in the psyche of the child victim.
For example, even if no representatives of a police force are actively raping children at a particular gathering, some — or all — of the perpetrators may wear police uniforms to create confusion and anxiety in the child(ren). The child will be given the (sadly true) impression that if they were to attempt to report their rape to the police, there would be no hope of justice. When a child is raped by ‘police officers’, there is nobody that child can go to for help or support.
In many countries on Earth, the aristocrat, or ‘royal’ castes (or ‘classes’) of human society has its logos on the costumes of the police force it oversees. For example, the British police force wears both the symbols of the Masonic order (the chequerboard pattern introduced by Freemason, Percy Sillitoe) and the logo of the royal family caste.
It is, therefore, impossible for survivors of abuse by Masonic groups or royal aristocracy in the UK to seek recourse from the disciplinary officers of these two castes.
The consequences of this can be clearly seen, in more recent history, in Prince Charles’ freedom to form intimate friendships with notorious pedophiles like Jimmy Saville, and to provide safe-harbour on his estate for pedophile priests. These infractions — just two of many — saw zero recourse from authorities. In short, those in the British (and elsewhere) police force, government and royal caste have been historically free to actively participate in Nazism, terrorism, and to rape children without consequence.
The language of costume
Various other masks and costumes are used throughout abuse ‘ceremonies’ and children are subjected to almost every kind of confusion imaginable to disorientate them. Often ceremonies involve cloaks, eye-masks and other assorted paraphernalia which make up a a complex vocabulary of symbols unique to any particular group. Some groups may feature crucifixes in their ceremonies, others may use knifes, while others emphasize swords or swastikas. These are just a few possible costume pieces that may be introduced during the abuse.
Another important function of costume is to make a child’s account sound implausible. For example, some abuse groups use monster or alien masks to give the child the impression that they are being raped by a demon or by an alien. This, combined with other techniques for confusing and disorientating the child, provides another layer of apparent implausibility that helps the abusers hide their activities.
In summary, masks and costumes are used in human society to abuse on a societal scale by implying hierarchy and power: A judge’s wig; a policeman’s chequered cap, a king’s crown are all costumes that are worn to create the illusion of authority and to condone abuse.
These same costumes are often used by groups perpetrating child-abuse. This is often because those who are abusing society (kings, police, aristocracy) are predisposed to rape children to diffuse feelings connected with their own abuse, and to maintain power and control.
Costumes have another function when abusers wish to confuse those children they abuse, and to give the impression that the child cannot report their abuse to anyone in their society.
This belief is, sadly, often accurate.
You can read the next section here.
Previously published sections:
Chapter 1
1.0 Our village is sick
1.1 What is Mind control?
1.2 Engineered Ignorance of the Occult
1.3 The History of Mind Control
2.0, 2.1 Splitting and Spinning
2.2 Near-drowning
2.3 Live burials
2.4 Use of animals and insects
2.5 Association of creativity with pain
2.6 Use of electric shocks as a programming method
2.7 Ritual Murders and their Meaning
2.8 (Part I) Sexual morality, violence, and Power
2.8 (Part II) Sexual morality, violence, and Power
2.9 (Part I) Ritual abuse of babies and infanticide
2.9 (Part II) Ritual abuse of babies and infanticide
If you are reading this sometime in the distant future, please be aware that this is a draft chapter section from the book Secret Doors, Hidden Rooms: Understanding and Deprogramming Trauma-Based Mind-Control systems which may now be available as a complete and finished book. It will contain much more detail and an updated text. Try searching for it online.
Curated for #informationwar (by @wakeupnd)
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Hi again, another tiny typo: "Ofter ceremonies involve cloaks".
This is a masterpiece that you two are writing!!! The info is so clearly and logically laid out that folk, once they overcome resistance to the topic itself, will be able to see a BIG hidden image come into view and relate it to their experience and understanding of the world, of life. This book feels like a massive spanner in the workings of the Abuse pushes so hard against the ground-level veil of illusion that nobody who looks (or even glances) can fail to see the cracks, the feet of clay.
Thank you for reading, and for your continued support, @barge. We really appreciate it. And thank you for spotting the typo — fixed.
I'm glad you feel that our book will have some impact on the Abuse Matrix. That is what we're hoping to do :)
It's a huge project, but we're moving through it day by day. Feels like a tall mountain to climb, but we're ready!
🤗 🙏 🤞