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RE: Wisdom and Group Think in 'Wisdom of the Crowd'

in #psychology6 years ago

Thank you so much for this effort. My contribution is that this topic cannot be understood until one abandons the notions that people are rational entities who exchange information. There is no such thing as information. We are wet computers. Everything is software.

Once you look at people's brains as programmable computers, the issue takes on a whole new character. In those terms, what you are discussing involves the propogation of competing "software viruses" within a massively parallel computer, with each person thought of as a "node".

Another contribution: People neglect the power and importance of inspiration (from God). Each new history-changing idea first emerges as the thought of one person, typically one man, who sees things in a way that no one else sees them. That man must fight, often for years, to promote this thing that only he can see, until after much effort, a few others see it.


Mind-viruses still propagate information. Saying there is no such thing as information is false. But yes a lot of us is "programmable".

Well, it's not false. It's a way of looking at it. "Information" is an illusion in the same way and for the same reason that "Self" is an illusion. To get what I am saying, treat it as poetry, not as a statement of logic.