The Most Beautiful Girl in The World - Branding & Commodifying Humans

in #psychology7 years ago

Screenshot from 2017-12-06 12-27-23.png

As someone who has been interested in the social sciences with a preference for propaganda studies, I find these kinds of stories as attempts by the mass media to effectively social engineer society through entertainment. The consistent com-modification of humans as brand-able products obfuscates any form of natural self-identification through individual experiences and personal interaction, as opposed to mass produced, collectivized socialization and identify formation through corporate channels. When I see these stories I think of the genius of Edward Bernays and the astute observations by Naomi Klein especially her work, No Logo.

Screenshot from 2017-12-06 12-30-35.png

In the book, fast Food Nation, mega fast food giant, McDonald's marketing gurus correctly identified children, especially the young as consumer trainees. Baby branding as the author of the article indicates is just another facet of this evolution in marketing in which human beings, especially children are malleable commodities. This has the effect of devolving the human species by diminishing identification as sovereign entities, capable of self realization, unique thoughts and actions as well as dissent or non-complicit behavior. In fact, it can be argued that com-modification leads to control through acceptance of the perception that human thought and action is a purchasable asset which in essence is what branding is all about. In the end, this would appear as a natural progression of our complicity and overly consumer driven mass materialism which has more to do with branding and human group identification then any kind of self identification through unique features or characteristics.

Ironically, Steemit as a platform is also a contributing factor as social media helps to perpetuate what more main stream channels promote. Steemit just individualizes it by offering the monetization rewards, hence the platform itself is equally guilty and in effect, useless at countering the long term strategic marketing effects.


Original Yahoo Article: Meet the six-year-old who has been hailed the 'most beautiful girl in the world

Image Yahoo Front page:

Image: thylaneblondeau Instagram


Maybe the impulse to create artificial intelligence is the subconscious of the commodified humans attempting to actualize their current state as things in a more concrete fashion. After all, can man having been reduced to consumer be considered as a living being? Is he not rather a commodity, a hollow thing, like a sophisticated meatbag of chemicals? Mercantile sensibility transforms all living beings into things to be traded.

Good point and yes I do see this being perpetuated predominantly by mass media but also the entertainment industry. Hollywoodism in particular is ruthless in maintaining not only human stereotypes and archetypes but also myths and falsehoods in efforts to normalize conformity and complicity. Much of it reinforces collectivized thought both subconsciously and on a surface level. All our ideologies and "isms" are based on this continuity and historically our progress is in fact eerily reliant on maintaining this method of existence.

Ironically this platform, Steemit is equally at fault. It prime existence is based not on knowledge or a medium of human virtual exchange but strictly on monetary factors and thus factors are dependent on the idiocy of the masses and their collective "popular" interests.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

Steemcleaners asked you for routine ID verification after you have been caught plagiarizing content on many posts. You have posted these posts as your own work. Steemit does not does not support and rewards plagiarizm.
Steemcleaners/Cheetah commented on your plagiarized content many times with warnings but you have completely ignored them and kept plagiarizing. On some of our warnings, you responded with aggressive comments.
You plagiarize whole paragraphs from different sources, then mix them up and post article as your own written work without giving sources.
On some other posts you give general sources to books, while it is still copypasta of paragraphs without nothing original added to content.
You have been on the platform for long enough to understand that such behaviour is frowned upon by Steemit community.

Here are examples of some of the articles that you have plagiarized:

Some examples of your aggressive, denial responses:

"MindWar - The Concept of Psychological Warfare (Modern Origins)"
Screenshot-2017-12-7 MindWar - The Concept of Psychological Warfare (Modern Origins) — Steemit.png

"Psychological Warfare - The MindWar (MW) Concept and Application "
Screenshot-2017-12-7 Psychological Warfare - The MindWar (MW) Concept and Application — Steemit.png

"Strategic Communication War - The US Efforts in Contemporary Propaganda Operations "
Screenshot-2017-12-7 Strategic Communication War - The US Efforts in Contemporary Propaganda Operations — Steemit.png

The so-called aggressive comments are deserved as the use of bots to further demean this platform of real valuable content is exacerbated by this pedantic lunacy. I have seen more then my share of nonsensical trash posts which is written clearly with zero to little care in terms of content, grammar or even style. At least all my posts are unique in terms of the content and I am consistent in terms of the level of material in order to foster more academic and thematic content which is valuable for those individuals seeking serious topics compared to the usual simpleton posts of color challenges, sunsets and food recipes...etc

Btw, in your rush to accuse me of outright plagiarism, you linked as an example my own article which was posted to one of my own domains. Did you seriously think I began writing on THIS level, these kinds of articles on JUST this platform? Instead of making general blanket accusation maybe you should look at the follow up responses and comments I have placed to foster the kind of interactions on this platform which is so rare. Unless you like things as they are, a simple dreadful looking platform then I suggest more if not equal amounts of time working to improve the DESIGN and LOOK instead of perpetuating the Nazi content police role. I was not aware this was akin to graduate school...if so, what format do you require for the references?

The well detailed reponses with sources given by steemcleaners on these posts are clear.
You, self evidently, copied and pasted content from books and researches that you have not written.
Using psychological projection and denialism is not going to change the facts.

Neither will use of red herring (" I have seen more then my share of nonsensical trash posts which is written clearly with zero to little care in terms of content").
The fact that there might be some users posting low quality content or abuse is not justification of your behaviour.
Any user that is caught by steemclenaers abusing Steemit community is dealt with promptly.

Sorry "some users" is an understatement. Just hit the refresh for the new section to get the truth. By far the vast majority of content on this platform is useless drivel with zero quality or care in terms of fostering a better more informative platform in comparison to Facebook ..etc It is ironic verification would require linkage to a competitive but more popular platform. As if Facebook or Twitter for that matter offer anything different or secure in terms of actual ID verification. I also see that you are quick to deride my behavior which is in defense of my content and posts while not accounting for your own, continually posting on my articles cut and paste responses which have zero to do with the actual article. This article for instance. Indeed, even AFTER your beloved Steemcleaners acknowledged and thanked me for complying with the verification of authorship which I have done. Not too mention all of my recent articles have gone through stringent filtering in an effort to comply so why the hate Robbie 2.0? Hmmmm, maybe I should craft some articles on Thai street food such as the less then spicy Tom Kha Kai or perhaps a few out of focus shots of the sunset over the lower east side. Maybe link it as a color challenge which would gain me more favor with the steemit Gods and the mass of less then literate users .

"Some examples of your aggressive, denial responses:"

Ironically, posting on an article which does not violate any of the polices constitutes aggressive harassment responses I would say. Interesting that your entire post does NOT reflect or have anything to do with the present article I have written. Yet you screen-shot aggressive responses from past responses while disregarding your own methods. Why not simply respond to the original post.....why spam my article here with your accusations which have ZERO to do with this article? Nice consistency.

Last one is MY OWN original article which I even mentioned in a comment. Maybe try reading the actual content as opposed to using these silly bots and your platform will potentially attract more serious topics and writers instead of the usual suspects of two line broken grammar, busted syntax and no reference posts of zero quality which inundate the new links on a minute basis.

That article wasn't commented for plagiarizm.
It was only used for comment for identity verification.

Oops My Bad....most be all these cut and paste responses that got me seeing stars

Yes the silly link me routine ID verification. Lol, of course free marketing from one competitive platform like Facebook or Twitter since the content and user base is really a moot point. Did that and done to comply so? Seriously hope a newer and better more robust platform is developed which replaces this Kindergarden project soon. For one, the profiles are a disaster and pathetically simple. In all this time, imagine only the ability to change the cover banner and add your location. pfft. If verification was an issue why are there no more robust feature full options? One would think that would help to avoid spam and sock puppet accounts or let's see the 90% user base only interest in the monetizing incentives as opposed to real thought provoking or engaging content...but nah, bots rule.