American Idiocy #2 - Walmart-ization of US Culture

When I lived briefly in Florida, I became very familiar with the cultural divide that exists between the west and east coast. This division is even vehemently defended by the residents who inhabit each side, proud of their unique social and cultural differences which provide a superficial veneer of separation, irrespective of the fact that both are still consider Floridians by those transient snow birds who travel yearly to the sunshine State.
One aspect of cultural expression in many places in the world is dependent on the type of vehicle ones drives. This would often be a determining factor of perceived wealth and status, much like the clothes you wear and house one inhabits. In the US in many suburban enclaves where educational pursuits are undervalued and underrepresented, you have self expression exaggerated and expressed through limited obvious channels. One of them is of course, through visual attraction and attention. This in essence is one of the core factors in perpetuating the ghetto mentality. A somewhat loud, brash and rude method of attracting undo attention for all the wrong reasons. In this case, we have a ridiculous expression of corporate consumer worship. I am 100% certain Walmart does not own or sponsor this vehicle, especially considering the model and year. This is entirely the creation of an individual who obviously identifies with the Walmart brand.

The interesting thing about culture and the potential for dominance of certain types is that this will become normalized in due time, especially as globalization increases and transnational corporate branding continues to perpetuate rabid materialism as the norm in western society. It will not be long before we are able to witness conflicting self expressions of individuality which are just fabrications of corporate instilled marketing in an effort to obtain free advertising by promoting a culture of narcissistic materialism.
@fugetaboutit I'm afraid you're right. Who knows if soon these companies will not start paying people to advertise for them this way. We know how they are vultures and always hungry for more money.
At this point considering the culture of consumerism and brand self identification, corporations will not have to pay anything. The masses, especially the least wealthy who identify with the materialism will just continue to prostitute themselves as they have already been sufficiently indoctrinated as products themselves. Walking billboards are in demand.