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RE: What is Belief?

in #psychology7 years ago

This is comprehensive on the subject. It actually open my thought on the word belief and truth. You take here on belief is truth unveiled

One is healthy because it helps us uncover things. The other is unhealthy because it doesn't help us uncover something, we just think of something or accept what someone else says, and believe that this is an uncovered.

The unhealthy belief is something that have actually perverted the mentality of Africans in many areas( political, religious, ethnic... environ) this have made the continent backward in development.


Indeed. Beliefs are at the root of many problems in human history, even today. We put too much weight,important and value in beliefs and end up harming others because of how attached we become to these fantasies. Religions, wars, so much hate and violent actions as a result... Thanks for the feedback, appreciated.