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RE: Insignificant

in #psychology7 years ago

interesting :)
I haven't read such honest, all out reply such as this for a long time here
am glad you shared such thoughts
thank you very much

I guess, most of it do it for validation
don't worry you don't sound terrible at all
I'm actually smitten that you put it out there that you were even emphasizing on that "massive problems you've overcome" while typing till you realize and became aware that you were and deleted it

good luck around here, I've read your interesting intro post


Thank you for your kind words :)

I actually giggled at my self when i stopped and thought, 'why did i write massive in there?' It still slips out, old habits die hard! I really enjoy posts that get people thinking, i can imagine several people have read this post, thought about what you have said but not written anything, and likely many others will be in denial that they even have such thoughts or behaviours. It is hard to accept that we think and act in certain ways sometimes. But i wholeheartedly believe you don't know your self very well if you don't pay attention to them. What you know really well is the outward projection of your self, which is usually the socially acceptable one, and we don't want to examine our darker side. If many of your posts are issues such as this then ill be a regular on your posts :)