Is There More Happiness To Be Found In Having Less?

A number of people around the globe have been able to increase their overall well-being by choosing to simplify their lifestyle. A trend has been growing for years in a number of places,surrounding minimalism, the tiny homes, downsizing, etc. There are many ways that people have gotten rid of excess and in return they found more happiness in their life.
By identifying what is truly necessary within our lives, researchers suggest that it enables us to work toward freeing up our emotional and mental resources, and that is why a simpler lifestyle tends to bring about a better feeling of well-being.
Many believe that if you take the time to sort out and organize (to the best that you can) your external surroundings, then the inner psyche will follow suit.

But not everyone has such an easy time getting rid of clutter, this is evident by the various hoarding shows that have become popular throughout the years.
When it comes to throwing things out that are unnecessary, it's difficult for many. Researchers suggest that we associate these items as a part of our identity, referred to as Psychological ownership, and because there are certain emotions or memories associated with it, it can make parting with them very difficult.
Minimalism and downsizing etc, are an expression of a reassessment of priorities. When you take to getting rid of what isn't needed anymore or what you don't want any longer, you free up time and space for what really does matter to you.
DE-clutter what is unimportant, and you'll be left surrounded by the meaningful possessions that are, as well as more time for relationships and activities that bring joy to your life.

Researchers also suggest that one of the reasons opting for a simpler lifestyle might bring about more joy is because it provides us with a greater sense of control over our personal lives.
When we feel helpless and like things are chaotic around us, then it's less likely we are going to feel joy or peace about our circumstances.
It's not for everyone though, it's a subjective approach and the material purge varies for each person when it comes to how they implement it within their life. Minimalism is just a tool that can be used by those who want to exert a more intentional lifestyle.
The Minimalist Manager
All material on this post is provided for information purposes only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction, diagnosis, or treatment. If an individual has a medical concern, no action or inaction should be taken based on the information provided in this post. He or she should always consult with their own appropriately-licensed physician or other health care specialist.
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Downsizing is a wonderful endeavor after many years of mindless acquiring.
No longer. I first think if it is something that I need and will use.
Another item of thought that I always now want to consider. Is it in the end, going to be a ball and chain. Many people from restaurant owners, to land owners, and more, would just like to be free. Much like the dairy farmers that morning and evening, without fail, are locked into the daily routine. Seven days a week. No holidays, vacations, and the such like. For many years.
Another question I ask myself. Do I have to constantly clean it or repair it. No thank you. I'll do without. Unless it is a must have. Vehicle vs walking.
Much like the story of the man in the years approaching death, sold and gave away everything he had, except the very basics. Before his death, in the kitchen, he had one plate, one fork, one knife, one table, one chair, as he understood he didn't need more than that.
Hello my friend already that planning for our lives makes things go well
I respect minimalism! Thank you @doitvoluntarily for your great work! I resteemed!
Check out The Minimalists. Fascinating stuff.
Now if I could just get started on all that crap in the garage...
Thank You 4 posting... Living on my Sailboat I think exemplifies much of what Your post speaks about.
Just joined Steemit 6 days ago and purchased over $300 of Steem 4days ago BUT haven't actually received the Steem yet ((but that is another post I plan on writing if I don't receive the Steem soon.))
UpVoted, following You & resteemed... Please consider following me. Thanks again 4 Your post !!!
Excellent post. Minimalism really simplifies life, sweeping aside all unnecessary.
I wrote about how it releases people from "the paralyzing choice"
Excellent work dear friend @doitvoluntarily very good report, this movement in my country Argentina biene happening more than a year ago, people from the high society and a group of highly recognized actors, have introduced this new way of life, which has more impact on Their moment was the amount of thing they have donated, in some cases up to a thousand items inescesarios inside their homes
Very good job thank you very much for sharing
Have a great weekend
Also a minimalist. I live a pretty simple life. One thing I can tell you (in my opinion) is that happiness is a myth. It doesn't exist. It is a meme humans have invented so they could go on.
One of my favourite subjects. Thanks for sharing. I also like the blogs on 🙂
Great post. Resteemed and followed. : )
Awesome. Great post