THE ART OF BEING ALONE - A cure to our cultural insanity

in #psychology7 years ago (edited)

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There is no moment more YOU, than when you are alone. But we run from these moments more than any.

There you can hear your thoughts clearly, imagine most innately, and not be effected by anyone elses bullshit. Your unpleasant feelings are all your own, and there is no one to blame but you. The truth makes itself known, and this is often too much for most people. It becomes a time to escape into the social-isms, and social-isms hate the individual.

The ism welcomes you, and you sink into its grey blurriness. You feel safe there in the unthinking mass, losing yourself in the herd. But understand, that herds are motivated by fear, and it is a requirement for membership.

Whoah the self loathing; to complain of boredom when alone for just 5 minutes. If boredom isnt self loathing, I dont know what is. I mean, if you cant enjoy your own company, and you seek to escape it the moment you receive your own thoughts, how is it not the most epic rejection?

They will seek escape from the quiet because their minds are badly programmed by incessant and constant connection to impulsive bullshit, and they would rather get lost in a new program, like television, a party, porn, or even stalking peoples lives on social media, not understanding that these programs have occult psycho-social effects that tend to only compound the undesired condition.

These times are increasingly trying to push us out of our minds, away from self, and into a collective cesspool of automatonic life, guided, herded, by flawed entities (not benevolent gods) behind the scenes. We are forced into unnatural social orders which do not help us mend and repair the silver cords to our souls; nothing but quick fixes for addicts.

Every time someone complains of boredom, what I actually hear, is that they hate or fear themselves. Especially those who complain online. Im thinking, motherfucker, you just typed that you are bored into a technology that will allow you to research anything, learn a new skill, develop some new habits, broaden your horizons. How are you bored?

I find myself meeting people everyday, and sadly increasingly so, who have little to no attachment to their humanity, to their true self, unpolluted by social memes. They are automatons, and the worst of them in my experience are the beautiful young women I meet; such tragic poetry.

Technology may be amazing in what it can do, and it may be fun to play with, but Im telling you with every ounce of the humanity left in me, that it is killing us. Our minds are being artificially programmed, and at rates that dwarf anything in human history. Our chosen media is becoming our dream, and like dreams, they become the subconscious material that drives us, creating artificial wills. We are being spiritually exorcised.

What is the use of being alive if not to be creative, to bring forth brilliance from the ether, to write a poem, to induce imagination in others by telling a new story, and not parroting the massively popular or viral thing that shapes the minds of millions, creating automatons of humanity?

Media technology has us under a spell, and we need to learn how to reverse it. I feel that the collective insanity is inevitable, but it can be slowed down by merely taking moments to be alone, and to find ways to be OK with it. I find that the most beautiful human beings are those who make time to enjoy their aloneness, reflecting on their condition, even as painful as it may be in the beginning.

With love,


There is an art to solitude.

It is getting further and further away from us as modern creatures in a hi-tec society.

Thanks for writing this. 100% upvote and resteem.

So true. As corny as it sounds, there was a time when I learned to be my best friend when I worked in door to door sales. When everyone's slamming door's in your face, you have to learn to look in the mirror and say I love you. I've found time alone in nature to be one of the most peaceful and healing experiences. Cheers!

Yes i was a door to door salesman as well. No after no after no teaches you to believe in yourself so much that no one can affect your belief :)

Nice, you were? It's definitely a character building job. It taught me more about people, persistence and attitude than any other experience yet. Following ya!


The War of ART!


" just typed that you are bored into a technology that will allow you to research anything, learn a new skill, develop some new habits, broaden your horizons. How are you bored?"

My thoughts exactly.

I really enjoy my time of being alone. It simply refreshes me from all the shit around. Lot's of people fail to realise how important is it to be alone...

I think you're spot on with a lot of points you make. I know all too well what it feels like to be alone. I remember striving to be the best person I could be so, when I would meet Mr. Right I'd feel confident about him liking me as a person. I'm extremely grateful to have met my Soulmate, he's made my life much happier, and he gives me direction with purpose. I cherish how we met, what we're building together and I also look forward to a brilliant future by his side. I wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors. By the way, I love every picture you posted! Well Done!

Well said, be alone, pay attention to our breathe, let things settle, look inward, look outwards and relax. Let the monkey mind jump and scream and then look to the horizon of our being, to where we are not lonely but alone.

I love human relationships is what makes life meaningful. But all that starts with having a great relationship with one important person in my life: that is my own self.

A really great description of the problem.

"We are being spiritually exorcised."

I couldn't agree more.

But by whom? ;)

Great article. Love that bottom picture. That television set may be worst invention in the development of man's brain. Television just sucks the initiative from people to actually think and analyze. Creating walking zombies. Again, well thought out psot with great content. Good job.