Three Expressions of Consciousness: Thoughts, Emotions & Actions

in #psychology7 years ago

Increasing knowledge, increases conscious awareness, and this increases our level of consciousness. The more we become aware of what is taking place in the world, and in ourselves, the more we can recognize patterns within the information. We develop more connections, correspondences, links, patterns and meaning to recognize.

Our consciousness, that emerges from our brain, has a dual nature. There are masculine and feminine qualities and components to our being. Our dual nature is involved in expressing the three modalities of consciousness: thoughts, emotions and actions.



Thought is inner activity, and is the fundamental basis of the trinity of expressions. Apart from our unconscious behavioral responses, thoughts are where everything begins. Thoughts are the primary essence within us that emanates and to further expressions.

Most of our behavior, and anything we invent, first exists as a thought in consciousness or mind. Before a fork existed, and for us to create it, the first needed to think about it. Thoughts are the initial creative force. Thoughts have both the masculine and feminine characteristics of the left and right brain.


Afterthought comes emotions as the second internal manifestation of our consciousness. Emotions are expressed within our body as electrochemical sensations, feelings and body language that can often be seen externally.

Most emotional responses are a conscious or unconscious result of thoughts and meaning expressed as a feeling. Things happen, we input data from our environment about what is happening through our senses, and then we internalize a response.


Thoughts can be looked at as the father creator, with the emotions as the divine mother, and both synthesize as a marriage to create the divine child of action. Actions are what we do, and they are the third expression of consciousness that is external rather than internal.

There are other ways of symbolically expressing the idea of thoughts, emotions and actions. One of them is body-mind-spirit, where the body is external and their actions, with the mind as thought, and spirit as emotion. There is the phrase of the spirit in which we do things, and that is the drive and motivation for our behavior.


My thoughts imagined a more conscious humanity, these thoughts empassioned me with the energy to manifest my vision in the form of artistic creations that explore and open dialogue and contemplation of consciousness, non-duality, shadow work, and all things spiritual.

Do please check out my work, everyone. It needs your audience💛

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