Empathy - Don't Soak it in Like a SPONGE!

in #psychology6 years ago

Have you ever encountered a sponge that held water just a little too long & became mildewy? I have & it is putrid and undesirable. It needs to to cleaned immediately or tossed!

I have always been an empathic person. It is a positive attribute. However, when i hold onto everyone else's pain and problems for too long, I become that putrid sponge. I also become like this...
Not all those boxes apply to me but I often feel it's hard to stay above water. My boxes would be life & time primarily.

I can soak up the emotions in a room. It can be overwhelming, even if they are positive. Obviously negative emotions are worse to deal with. I've always been the one that casual work friends and colleagues naturally confide in.

I offer advice if appropriate, and help if I can. However, I can't take on all the world's problems. Occupationally, I often am taking on a lion's share of problems. I have to figure out what is a safe discharge from physical therapy rehab for a person to go home. I often have to deliver bad news that full recovery from a nasty stroke may never happen. "Mr Jones" you may never be unable to safely fish again is always a "fun one."

My point is, if you are an empath, you can not absorb it all. I've tried. I've taken on a martyr like roll in the path to take people's pain, help them, try to fix it, etc. Occasionally in physical therapy this is easier, but I can not be a sponge for everyone. I learned this the hard and incredibly painful way about 15 months ago.

Bottom line, do your best by people. Karma is a bitch or she can be a queen, depends on how you treat others. But don't hold other people's problems in, if you can't help them, you can't help them! Sometimes LISTENING is the best help you can offer.

Would love to hear from you. Please drop a line on your experience in this realm.
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I gave a hug to a participant today who was in pain. She was taking one of my tougher classes too, I had to find lots of toned down options but she loves interval.

When I was talking to her, I saw her hands shaking constantly and she kept that this was the least of her worries. I felt bad but although I’m empathic, I’m always ringing my sponges.


Oh i'm so sorry to inform Mr B *isn't sure you want your real last name on here *
But, despite all the PT interventions you aren't safe to fish or do anything you enjoy.
OMFG. i'm so bad. I never say it like that but it's funny writing it out.
You'd make a good physical Therapist or Assistant (what i am) and could probably make good money doing it . Assistants make 20-30% less but it's still a very decent income.
Especially since you're able to adapt for your clients so well, why not get paid more to do it?
Lol. Of course, i don't know how all that works in canada and youd have to go back to school. 😟
I applaud you though. We need more trainers like you willing to be patient with an aging population to keep them safe and moving!

Thank you. I appreciate the sentiment. This participant seems young, in her early 40s but aging is not a number, it’s a state of being.

Sorry i assumed she was older because of the work you do with the senior community

Throw those dang dirty salmonella filled sponges into the trash, chelsea! They're too far gone:)

But don't you see how pretty they are??

In redshift seven, there is no one weighted down by boxes into our limited water supply.

These are metaphorical boxes my friend