What is trust?

Trust means absolute confidence in and reliance upon another person. It means leaning on that person and knowing that they won't let you down.
When two people meet and fall in love, they may trust each other and really believe that the other one will always be there to support them, and will never do anything to hurt them. But then something happens, and our trust is destroyed or damaged. It changes how we view the other person. We no longer see them as we did. We might be tempted to withdraw and decide not to trust again, but this attitude damages future relationships because we don't get close to people, and we become lonely and miserable, and unable to connect properly with others.
Some children are hurt or let down by their parents. The child might decide to keep his distance from his parents and from his siblings. He might decide to isolate himself in order to prevent hurt from happening to him. But the effect will be an inability to get close to people. Not trusting people, hurts us.
If I decide to stand on a chair, I trust that the chair will hold my weight and support me. By standing on the chair, I am putting my trust in that chair. It is the same with people. I have to rely on them and lean on them, in order to demonstrate trust in them. When they show that they can be relied on, then my trust in them grows stronger.
Therefore trust means relying on someone in such a way that if they don't provide support, I will be hurt. Many of us are too afraid to really trust. We say we do, but in practice, we don't. An example is allowing ourselves to fall backwards into the arms of someone who is standing behind us, trusting them to catch us and not let us fall. If we fall, we will hurt ourselves. I remember a tightrope walker successfully pushing a wheelbarrow across a rope strung above the Niagra Falls. He asked someone if they believed that he could do it with a person in the barrow. The person said yes, so the tightrope walker told him to get into the barrow, but he wouldn't.
GOod points.
This is why it's important not betray and lie to people. What you do matters. You can severely damage people by lying and betraying them. Everyone needs to value truth and honesty more in their lives, and also loyalty that comes with trust. Don't destroy people's belief in you by harming them.
Take care. Peace. Upvoted.
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