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RE: Psychology Addict # 55 | The Role Biology Plays in Defining Who We Are - A Critical Discussion.

in #psychology6 years ago

Hey @scienceblocks :)

Great discussion about categorical thinking with concern to human behaviour.
There are so many layers to it. And as I use to think: one can just go on and on :)

I don't know why would gender identity, attachment, depression are debatable for biological origin. If it is happening in a biological system, there has to be associated biology.

Whenever I find myself in the midst of such debates I always emphasize that we are first and foremost biological entities. But, you would be surprised to find out about how the biological basis especially of gender identity and depression are rejected among sociologists and counselors (at least the ones I happen to know and come across). In this day and age!

I wish you a wonderful day :D