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RE: My First time doing acid.

in #psychedelics8 years ago (edited)

@jpederson 96 I think that part of an enjoyment of a trip is if you kinda need to keep a similar theme. And you did that on a better level then I did. I was part of a group and it be selfish to partake in this. DEEP down inside I wanted to go and watch stuff like this. Pretend I was there and what not. I wanted to analyze different aspects of myself during different times of my upbringing. I think my next trip will be dedicated to everything I grew up with. Maybe overcoming things. I do not know if I can still do that with acid. I like to experiment though. I want to experience everything on acid. I gotta plan that out. It would be like a test to my human self to deal with things in a new way. Weirdly enough when I loaded up megamanx on youtube for the post. I felt drunk and the weird taste was in my mouth. The feeling and taste gone away like 2-3 hours after I watch the video. A space trip where I watch scifi would be cool just like yours. I would want to go to space then after =( were stuck man.